2 - Anger

418 12 27

W: Swearing (I forgot to mention this last time-)

Natsuki POV||Monika's house

"I'm fine. There's nothing you can do. I don't want to-"

"Girl. Break up with that dick." Monika said, bandaging my hand.

"I can't."

"You don't even love him." Sayori said, adding some cream to the bandages.

"He cares so much, he calls me love."

Yuri shook her head.

"He's a really nice g-"

"No. Natsuki. Listen. He doesn't care at all. It's never ever different." She pulled down my sleeve.

"He wrote me a poem." No one spoke for a second. Yuri frowned.

"He wrote everyone two poems. Only one for you?" She whispered.

"Wait what..?"

"He spends all his time with us anyway." Monika piped up.


"He cries because he thinks you spend too much time with him." Sayori mumbled.

"I'm sorry!"

"He doesn't like you, Natsuki." Yuri stated.


"Please listen to us." Yuri whispered. Her face was filled with fear. She didn't move. I wouldn't know if she couldn't. It didn't matter. I saw her sad frown and everyone looking worried.

"I-I get that he could be angry sometimes but I s-still trust...Him! No no. I am a useless child. It's my fault. I'm a useless, useless child." 

Nobody spoke for a second. Everyone was silent. Including me. But no words were needed. Sayori went behind me and hugged me tightly. Monika followed, getting me a cupcake to cheer me up. Yuri slowly went to get my teacup and handed it to me, also hugging me. 


"Leave that angry and pathetic excuse of a human." Yuri said, sitting next to me on the couch now.


"Trust me Suki." Yuri smiled.


"Ah. Still a tsundere I see." Yuri chuckled, pouring me more tea.

"W-What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Nothing. Just promise me you'll leave him soon." She gave me the teacup.


I drank the most amount of tea I have ever drank in my entire life. 


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