30 - The resolution

47 2 1

No new warnings

Sorry it's short it's a filler-ish chapter

Natsuki POV||Yuri's house.

"Tell me why Yua was found dead in the school bathroom. And there was a camera, Yuri. They... They saw purple hair..."

She froze. Her pupils pulsated and she fell onto her bed with a sudden sinking noise, "Fuck."

"No need to explain, I know everything. I can...help," I said as the disgusted feeling in my heart faded. I've become what I thought I could avoid, but it didn't matter anymore.

"Oh, you... You know everything...?" She asked, I could almost hear her heartbeat rise.

"Yes, I know everything. And I accept your confession."

"Wait, really?"


"B-But what about the camera?"

"Heh, I think you're forgetting that Yua has purple highlights...They only saw blurs of colours, and no audio. Just, is that the last kill?"

"If you become mine~"

"Ehe, yeah okay...But don't you think that we need to make sure you don't get caught? So no more kills, okay?"


Promises she couldn't keep. I would realize that later, at least.

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