32 - LIER.

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No new warnings

Natsuki's POV||Her class

"Hey...hey, Mrs. Dawson? Erm, can we have...Natsuki G-Gushikin?" A teacher that I didn't know said, breaking into my Science class randomly. I was a bit taken aback.

"Gushiken." I corrected.

"R-Right...Erm, Yua Wixx wants to have you visit her..." She said, beckoning me to the door. I waved goodbye to Lea and Monika, who sat next to me. Monika nodded tensley, but Lea seemed concerned. After a bit she nodded as well, and I left the class with the teacher.

"Wait...Did you say Yua Wixx?"

"Yes, why?" The teacher asked. We were walking down the stairs, but I had no idea where we were going.

"No...Nothing. Just...making sure. You know, since there's also Yua White..."

"Hm, okay." She said, looking at me suspiciously.

Yuri...I thought you killed her? That bitch is still alive? No... No. So, she just lied to me?! I can't... Well, I'm ending things with her. It's been a weekend, and I already can't take it anymore. No, maybe it was an honest mistake. Don't let your feelings take control of you again, Natsuki. Last time... No, let's not right now.


The teacher, who I figured out was Mrs. Lavigne, took me to a bus. A lonely bus, nobody inside. Her and a couple security guards went inside the bus with me.

"Erm, where are we going?" I asked as I found a seat on the left side, those are the best. And I got it to myself!

"The hospital. Yua, I assume, is your girlfriend?" She asked. I almost choked on my water when she said that.

I coughed from the choking, "Sorry?"

"Yua said that you were her girlfriend. We are going to the hospital." Mrs. Lavigne explained.

"Uh, Yua's not my girlfriend."

"She must've meant friend that's a girl or best friend, then." She said dismissively.

"Okay... Why are we going to the hospital, though?"

"She got seriously injured and the first thing she did was ask to see you." Mrs. Lavigne said, flashing me a smile that I didn't flash back.

I could tell if the last part was supposed to be sweet, but it sounded to me like Yua needed to tell me something. Everytime she needs to talk to me she is very very urgent.

But now I'm wondering what the hell she's gonna say. I'm terrified of this girl, if Yuri hurt her this much but she still survived, what can she do...?

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