14 - Nightgown

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No new warnings

Aha, this one isn't angst! You're lucky.

Uhm, well...Ehe, you'll see.

Natsuki POV||The clubroom

"Damn. He ded huh?"

"Uh..y-yeah.." Yuri whispered.

"Damn. Rest in death, MC."

"Eh..It's kinda sad though! We have to go t-to his funeral." Sayori noted.

"Sure, I guess."

"Ok then.." Yuri nodded slowly as if she was almost forcing herself too, odd.

"I don't know this dude but since we're all going..." Melody nodded as well.

"Ugh, I wanted to like, hang out with Natsuki or something, but okay, we'll go to a lame ass funeral. Mhh, stupid..." Asuka replied. Sayori twitched at her words, and so did I a litte. She isn't the same as she used to be...

"I will go. Er, are we wearing black or..?" Monika asked.

"Well, I'm not. Blue suits me much better."

"I guess?" Yuri answered.

"Nope." Sayori responded.

"Hm. Nah, don't know who that dude is but I'ma follow you guys. Guess he just wasn't a great dude." Melody replied.

"I won't. I don't own black clothes. I'm not emo, ahehe." Asuka tried to joke, yet nobody had laughed.

"Oh. I won't wear black then." Monika confusedly agreed.

"I guess I won't either." Yuri settled.

"Okay, then. Is it okay if I wear like, I dunno, a nightgown?" I joked.

"Sure, actually." Sayori said.

"You could. Blue nightgowns are nice." Melody smiled.

"Mhm, you would look good in it too. Some people here...uh, wouldn't." Asuka happily encouraged, yet also seeming like she was trying to throw shade at Yuri. I mean, she was staring at her. Yuri twitched her eye at Asuka, weird.

"When is it?"

"5:45, Thursday. I was thinking we could go change then meet up? Like the club goes together." Monika suggested.

"Ok, I'm fine with that." 

Thank god, time away from papa...

"Sure." Sayori happily agreed.

"Mk." Asuka planned. Yuri just politely nodded, as did Melody.

"Then we can go. That's settled them. Uh, it's about time to leave. See you guys tomorrow!" Monika beckoned.


"Cya!" Sayori waved.

"hm, bye." Yuri whispered.

Melody nodded and left with Asuka, who didn't even say anything. 

I left last, even though I had said bye first, only to be stopped by Monika. She was clutching her bag and blushing.

"H-Hey, can I tell you...something?" She asked, leading me to a nearby bench, where we sat down.

"Of course. Don't waste my time though."

"I-I won't. Uhm, you're just an amazing a-and sweet person a-and, oh, and I-I, I like you, okay?!" She admitted.

"O-Oh, I-I..."

"Y-You don't have to like me back but, uh, I really do like you, a-as more than a friend. But uh, if  you w-want, will you be my...my girlfriend?" She confessed.

"Uhm, I-I..I'll think about it, erm...Thanks for t-telling me."

"M-Mhm, b-bye...Tell me tomorrow, i-if you want..."

"Mhm. Bye Moni, s-see you!"

As I left, I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me, eh, probably just Monika. Now I had about a day to figure out whether I liked her or not...It's hard...I guess I do...She's pretty, kind, and smart...Hm...But I also feel like I don't really like her...Ugh, I'll think about this later.

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