11 - Joy

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No new warning

Fluff again bc there will be angst, very, very soon.  : )

Yuri POV||Yuri's house

"So...Is there a reason we're at my house again?"

"U-UHm, I-I just feel more comfortable..at your house..I-It's very nice and stuff..L-Like you.." Natsuki reassured unconvincingly.

"Mm, I see. Erm, I don't have the best kitchen and cooking supplies, but-"

"OOH LET'S MAKE COOKIES!" Natsuki yelled excitedly, looking through my kitchen cutely.

"Ah..But I don't have-"

"We can make do without eggs. My dad doesn't have ingredients sometimes so- Erm, well anyways.." Natsuki cut herself off. 

"You cook for yourself?" 

"L-Let's not talk about those things. We're here for the festival, remember?" Natsuki huffed, as she took a small bowl and started mixing.

"Hm, okay...Er, is there anything I could do to-"

"Yes, actually! You can mix the frosting. And also, would you mind giving me the nutella for a little bit more flavor?" Natsuki asked, nudging her hand towards the nutella jar.


I slid the jar to Natsuki, as she opened it and mixed it into the batch.

"L-Looks good so far. I read about baking once. It was wondrous, although I have barely seen it outside of books.." 

"Hm. Well, I bake a lot! Since we're friends, you can see me bake more often!" Natsuki smiled, yet it hurt, since I wanted to be more than friends. And she probably didn't even feel the same way...I sighed.

"Yes, that would be great..I shoul- should learn more about..about baking.." 

"Yeah! Totally agree." Natsuki responded, hyped. "Alright then, let's put these in the oven..."


I opened the oven door for her, as she was putting the tray in, I opened the frosting can.

"Mk! Let's see..OOH! Let's make little animals in there!" Natsuki explained happily.

"Alright then!" 


"I think the zebra's my favorite, or the kitty!" Natsuki noted.

"Hm..Panda is mine."

"Yeah! Ooh, Monika would like the dog, and Sayori, the baby duckling!" Natsuki smiled.

"Ehehe, these look amazing." 

"Y'know what?" Natsuki asked.


Before I could finish my sentence, Natsuki grabbed my arm and hugged me. She squeezed me tight and I hugged her back. I didn't feel the need to say anything else. Nothing else mattered. This is finally joy. Not my joy, not her joy. Our joy.

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