Chapter 8

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~ Lucy & Hunter ~

Hunter walked her into a huge gym, the floors were slippery vinyl. The walls soared high, where they met with moderate windows. The shimmering light from the stars shine through and into the room. Every surface of the walls was covered with weapons, spells, potions, and references of fighting stances. On the other side of the room near a changing room, Practice dummies lined the space.

"Lucy, are you ok?" He asked placing a hand on her shoulder, "You are being really quiet—"

"Worry about me? I am ok just searching for a knock-out spell to use on Marcus. Some pay back on that witch." She explained, taking her eyes off the walls and toward him.

"Lucy, as much as I want to get revenge on Raven and the witches we cannot stoop to their level. It will make us want to have uncontrollable power and turn our raw magic dark. We would end up being as evil as them."

"Oh, but I want to give Marcus a taste of his own medicine. I bet you want to get Jackie back too. How bad could it be?"

"Extremely bad! I had a taste of it and allow the darkness in; it is dangerous to yourself and others if you get sucked into it too much or too long your dark side begins to take over. Usually, it is activated when you experienced an intense event where you don't know how to react, causing your powers, emotions to be out of control. However, there are stories about how some create it thinking it would level up their raw power or they are cursed with it."

"Your dark self is the worse part of you and after you let it feed off your mana it never leaves you alone."

"Please, don't let revenge fog your mind; don't allow the darkness in," He begged, gripping her shoulders.

"Ok, I won't."

It must be a terrible thing with how shaky and serious he is.

"Good, ok go change in the bathroom I will be right back," He said as he pointed to the changing room.


Lucy waited for Hunter in a chair near the changing room, lacing up her boots.

I wonder if Rose had gotten a lecture too. She is probably worried about school underneath all the excitement about finding out about our past. Being a princess wasn't really on my list of life goals, I'm way far from the classy, perfect, and elegant princess you heard about. Rose on the other hand is made for this. Well, the royalty part. I can get on board with the fighting with our power part, but I can't lead anyone. If we get to that part of this crazy thing, I know it is usually the oldest, but if we end up having to step up to rule our kingdom. That we supposedly own through our bloodline. Rose should totally lead. She has a gentle heart for anything and anyone. I don't trust anyone and only need to look out for Rose.

"Is he ever going to come back?"

She questioned, getting out of her head to search the giant area.


Leaping off the chair she tried to jump out of the way of a chair flying toward her.


She hit the wall painfully landing on her arm.

"Lucy, sorry, it wasn't supposed to be that forceful. I was trying to demonstrate that you have to be ready for anything," He said running over to help her get to her feet.

"WITH A FREAKING CHAIR!" She shouted, punching him in the face.

Her strike was so firm his face quickly turned a bruising red.

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