Chapter 12

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"Those two better watch their back," Bella threatened, watching Lucy and Rose enter the nurse's office.

"Why is that?" A minion asks.

"They don't know what is coming, especially the loud mouth. Now go get me a smoothie, Molly!" Bella cackled.


"Are you sure, you are ok to go to class?" Rose asked watching Lucy throw her legs across the bed.

"Totally, I'm all bandaged up now, I am not missing the only class I enjoy because of this."

"Girl, you almost passed out the way here when you realized blood from your wound was dripping down your leg."

"Girl, almost is the key word, I am good, thanks to you. By the way, how did you explain this to the nurse?"

"I said it was a skateboard injury."

"Good, call!"

"I thought so too, I know this wasn't your fault. Like you didn't ask to be slammed into a wall, but let's try not to get more injuries."

"I am so on the same page." Lucy laughed, fist-pumping Rose.

"D-d-amn, I'm stupid shouldn't have used the sore hand." Lucy groaned as she pulled away and rub at the fresh bandage on her wrist.

"Just a tad," Rose added.


"You got to be kidding me," Lucy groaned as she looked at the glass doors.


Bella strolled in like she was walking the catwalk; while holding a smoothie, cackling her heels.

"Miss Ross, you are late!"

"I am so sorry Mr. Green, Molly's locker was jammed," Bella announced, while she sat down at a table closest to the teacher's desk.

"Two people are not needed to unjam a locker; you have been late since this year started. I will see you at lunchtime, Miss Ross."

"I don't think that is necessary," Bella said as she snapped her fingers.

"You are right," Mr. Green agreed, patting Bella's back; before he went back to his's desk.

"What the heck he totally just patted her on the back for being late," Lucy said as she read over her make-up work.

"I guess when you are the queen bee you can do whatever you want," Rose suggested, noticing Bella was walking over.

"I am going to grab us some papers don't do anything stupid," Rose whispered when Bella reaches their table.


"What do you want?" Lucy groaned.

"Relax Freshman I—"

"Wow" so now I am a freshman is that a higher rank than orphan?"

"It's the same rank," Bella said as she sat down across from Lucy.

"Oh, I see you have to act like the "perfect" student in class. It would be a shame if your "subjects" see that you are truly a bitch, Miss queen bee."

"Listen here Lucy, I don't like you and you have no idea what is going on," Bella stated grabbing her by the arm.

"Most people don't, I will make sure to add you to the list, also I don't care what you are planning," Lucy replied, ripping her arm away.

"It's not me you have to worry about... so anyway I came over to ask you where you got that necklace it caught my eye earlier," Bella said reaching for the Heart gem.

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