Chapter 20

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~ Marcus ~

"Marcus? Is Princess Lucy there?"

"Sorry, yes I believe I saw her talking to Prince, Hunter."

"Interesting...seem like they both had put a liking to each other."

"I suppose Master."

"Good, we can kill two birds with one stone keep an eye on our birdies and wait for an opening where the Princess is alone before you continue your mission."

"Understood, Master by the way you know there is a huge royal meeting going on shouldn't we be crashing that, and not wasting our time on Princess Lucy?" Marcus asked.

"KEEP YOURSELF IN LINE BOY DO NOT QUESTION ME!" Raven growled crushing the phone.

"Ugh asshole," Marcus mumbled as he ripped open a pocket of his cloak and pulled out a clear-looking gummy.

"Thanks, Lucas for this invisible potion," Marcus said swallowing it and watching his body go clear.

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