Chapter 23

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~ Hunter ~

"I know she is a girl but with how worried she is I'm surprised she is taking this long," He thought aloud as he walked to Lucy's room.

He was about to knock...right when...


"LUCY!" He yelled, kicking the door open as he continue to hear Lucy's screams.

"Lucy I'm here...But you aren't," He said as he step into the empty room that echoed Lucy's screams.

"Clever girl," He smiled noticing the shining pink gem under the door.

He eyed the room for more clues, but couldn't focus and felt like he was going insane if he continue to hear the room echoing her cries and screams.

"I need to get out of here," He admitted as he spotted a notepad on the window sill.

He leans against the hallway wall reading what was written.

Hi Hunter, did you like my surround sound of the Princess cries and screams from the forest she loves to scream for help, so I thought it would be a nice present for you. Speaking of Princess Lucy, she is with me so bring the list of the royals' hideouts. I know you and Ella are protecting it...

So, if you what your Lovenina Princess back bring what Raven wants to his castle, or should I say yours. See you soon Prince.

- Marcus


"I'm here," Marcus announced, throwing Lucy into the ballroom of Raven's castle.

"Finally took you long enough," Jackie replied, entering the room.

"Well unlike you sis I had to wait for Princess Lucy to be alone to snatch her."

"UGH, do you guys ever stop bickering," Lucy groaned.

"Did you have a nice nap Princess?"

"You push me out a window what do you think," Lucy barked trying to twist her wrists out of the rope.

"Well now that you are awake are you ready to stop lying and tell us how to take those damn gems off your throat."

"How many times do I have to tell you I don't know why you can't take them."

"Wait, Marcus you idiot you didn't make sure she still had both of the Heart gems!" Jackie shouted as she noticed Lucy only had one chain around her neck.

"I thought she did."

"Ughhh! I told Raven not to put you on the mission of getting Princess Lucy and the gems since you will screw up."

"I didn't screw up I still got the princess who cares if we only have one of the gems."

"Raven does!"

"Sure, he does soon, but right now he only required Lucy."

"Sorry to interrupt your sibling "bonding" but I thought your master just wanted the gems so why do you need me now?" Lucy asked.

"We told you, Raven, always get what he wants and this whole thing was to get you and possibly the Heart gems too. He is obsessed with you for some reason," Jackie explained as she sharpen a knife.

"We are just minions he used to do his dirty work. we don't know why he is obsessed with both sides of you," Marcus added.

"Both sides of me how does he know I experience the darkness?"

"Our master got eyes and ears everywhere, anyway, let's cut the chit-chat we need Dark Lucy right now not you."

"You just said Raven wanted both halves of me?"

The Lovenina Princesses: NEW Beginnings (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now