chapter 10

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There was a room in their house called the safe room it's a place where dale would sometimes go and drink think how the last year has been one hell of a ride his family had to move how they went through a nightmare to make sure their family isn't destroyed it's still a battle tammy may have came back but that doesn't mean she fully trusted him been in there for a few hours drinking and started to feel it to lucille comes in beings him a hot cup of coffee she asked if he is just going to use that room to just drink in and think he is a failure to hold their family together when he has not failed each family is different in their own way she has never knew or have met a perfect one in her life time he drinks the coffee then stand's up tells her in a few days she will know what his plans are for this room the window can't be opened or broken once the steel door is closed it can only be opened from the outside only can look outside of said window and wait until it's open she watched as he worked night and day on it until it was done she knew that room was builded for another reason other than drinking and feeling like he an failure Gaga was welcome home but she was told it's time to deal with what is going on in her life because it's something that will someday destroy her if she doesn't get help tammy begged her to get help so they can grow old together have a long happy life together she doesn't want it to be cut Short but will if nothing is soon done about what is destroying the woman she loves .

I don't need any help from some doctor who can't help me why can't anyone see that I'm fine if you really loved me you would leave me be I'm not going to see a doctor or going to some rehab center.

I was once in your shoes then my father showed me some tough love if won't go to see a doctor or stay at a rehab center then I'm left with no other choice but to show you that same kind of tough love he showed me.

He was standing in the door way listening and waiting when tammy said take her away to the safe room the next thing she remembers is being on dale back being carried and then screaming as the door is closed and locked there is enough food and water for over 7 months that is where she will stay until she is better she goes through withdraw pretty hard feels like she is going crazy can't stop thinking about those days when she had drugs every day she couldn't stop thinking about drugs didn't know how long it had been since she was in there could have been hours day's or months she doesn't know has no way of knowing how long dale told tammy when she asked him is there any other way of helping her because she is in pain he tells her if They let her out now then all of that hard work would be for nothing so They must not let her go until she is better she asked dale when he would sit with her sometime why does he care so much if she lives or dies gaga listen careful as he told her the reason why he cared so ever much.

My sister was a young woman who was beautiful and had a lot of problems the one thing that she turned to was the thing you have turned to it's wasn't what taken her life but did destroyed the better part of her rose never was the same after that i was there to make sure she was all right but the things that had been said and the things we had to do to make sure she never used again is still with me keeps me up most nights now you know why i care maybe care a little too much.

Gaga it hasn't been easy for me to say how i really feel still feels like I'm out there living a life of fear it's great to have someone in your life to protect who They love but nobody is responsible for my life or the wound's that have been inflicted on my body i was a prostitute who was under his control and returned to more than just him i want to beat this need help but won't let you or anyone else be responsible for me or my past mistakes .

She never stopped fighting to beat her problem and everyone understood by when she told them nobody is responsible for her life mistakes .

Tammy searched a little deeper about that matter she found out he was telling the truth about what happened her real mother was a woman who came from a Rich home had family money but she didn't use it for some reason she became a prostitute and gotten a john as her baby daddy police thought what started the fire was the john making fake money 10, 20 , 50 , and 100 dollar bills that were fake something had gone wrong and as They were being made a fire broken out and burned everything and everyone inside she had went to see what was left of that place the fire destroyed most of it only a few walls and a staircase with half of the roof were still standing it was dangerous to go in but she went in to try and remember anything from that night those memory's if were there is buried down way deep to remember anything about that night she did see someone standing there looking at her whoever he was he had some kind of mask over his face tammy had gotten a bad feeling about whoever this man who is watching not from to far away he stooded there not moving or saying aword just looking at tammy as she left the burned down building he stayed right there looking as she did so on the drive home she wounded why was someone standing out at that old burned building for and why was he watching her wearing that mask it's almost like that mask was somehow His face she couldn't get over how he was looking at her as if he knew her or what happened that night she didn't want to push it any further with what was going on with Gaga so she buried it for good.

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