chapter 18

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Tammy were up in the attic with her mother helping lucille finding some hand-me-down rages and an old coat that she had once sewed together and made when tammy was a little girl now she wants to hand make little jed something special with love .

You can go to any store and buy things someone else made and waste money on that which everyone else has or you can make hand make something that nobody else has sewed together made from rags yes but when sewed together with love and kindness it more special to have.

She was about ready to go back downstairs started to walk to the attic stairway and her foot by mistake Hits a chest looks like an pirate chest she doesn't recall evet seeing it before didn't ever know it was up there or why its locked tammy knees down has an crossbar .

Let's open it up who knows what is or could be inside this chest 
If this isn't your then who's
Is it or why would someone keep it up here who's name is on it.

Looked at the name and looked at each other for the name on it said
Chest is dale beauregard both
Know they are not allowed to
To touch much less open anything
Of his there is a reason it's up here
And there is apart of them that wanted to know that reason it's up there
And also if did open it what would he say or more less do if he found out they came across and had opened this chest
That is locked away in the attic back
Downstairs tammy still is talking about what They found in the attic
              Some of a thousand thoughts
               Race in her mind what could
                 It be in that chest her mother
                  Wanted to leave it be she knows no good could come from looking throughout her husband things
Whatever it was
Up there locked away
In the attic for god
Know how long or why .

I know I'm not the only one who wants to know why is it there Locked
Away and what is inside this is your house as well mother
Why can't you stop being scared and tell him how you really feel
Don't let him make you look like a fool mother your no coward you have a voice use it stand up to him for once.

I do have a voice and a coward I'm not but this pursuit you have will stop and will stop right now tammy if i catch you anywhere near that chest or the attic i will Lock you up there for the rest of your life i have been and are an mother so jed will be in good hands this is my home and i will do it are we perfectly clean what is up there stays up there weather you like it or not please pursuit something else that won't have his rage or anger with it somethings are better left alone the less we know the better life will be for us all trust me and believe me.

Tammy did pursuit something else
For the time being she was struggling to see the future that she had planed for gaga finally had put some demons to bed but like the old saying goes rise no more devil's then you can lay down gaga finds herself forced to keep her mouth shut on the outside she is calm and in control but underneath she desperately wants to tell the someone in the family what is going on lately gaga has been emotionally unstable and an old demon threaten to detail the relationship between the two women's she   takes refuge in their bedroom feeling like an abandoned woman who is isolated and is plagued by the whiskey bottle she begins to feel what is it like to be an woman who Carry's the beauregard name how at times it feels like a curse more than a last name she begins to exact a lot of pain after learning by keeping the truth in you need something to easy the pain away
That old demon will have threatened the way she thinks and flights against letting it take form and once again makes her do unspeakable things to survive and Carry the last name that she does to the women's it feels like a curse that has been haunting each and every member of this family for centuries tammy feels there is something her wife wants to share she travels several back roads in search for her wife who gone out over four hours ago hitchhiking after drinking all day with her grandmother riding shotgun tammy drives several back roads into the darkness of the night with only light from their car one of those roads leads them down to where there is no other people for over a 100 miles journey only with their wit's Mrs beauregard knows they are out of their elements but forced to go on for gaga is emotionally and unstable she needs to be brought home before she gets hurt or worst she some how herself and never is found if hasn't done so already 

She is found several hours later at a old homestead she is unharmed but pretty much out of it when asked what you were you thinking to end up in a place like this her answer was ( i was trying to escape have felt like an hostage i have been swept up in this madness and mystery when will it be revealed and once knowing the mystery this madness will end i can't do it any longer the secrets are driving me mad )

Outside an thunderstorm grows leaving them to refuge in the abandoned and isolated home until the storm outside has stopped but it doesn't look like it will any time soon as night wears on so does tammy she is plague by feeling guilty and turns to the only person who will listen and might understand .

I am why she is like that
Grandmother what I'm about to tell you is why gaga ran away feeling emotionally and unstable i helmed her hand and asked to keep it between us.

After her grandmother was told why and the reason for gaga being like that tammy listen to what her grandmother had to say.

Mrs Beauregard
I have felt that way lucille has felt that way now gaga it comes with the last name we carry but you tammy will never feel that feeling for you see you are like dale never gets emotionally and unstable just gets angry and mad.

They sat there waiting as the night wears on hoping the thunderstorm outside would soon let up for now all they could do is wait until it does let up for the better.

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