chapter 30

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The day came when they were to leave she was waiting by the door jed in hand Tammy was bought down to say goodbye before she was he told her try anything her mother is a dead woman they don't want to let each other go it can't end this way out of nowhere suddenly there were a knock on the door Tammy seen who it was and she gasped as this person came in and said to Tammy .

Hello angel I have missed you.

What are you doing here you have never called me angel.

She realized what was about to happen and why she called her angel she looked at Norma as Norma smiled at her.

Why are you here we have to leave now get out of the way whoever you are I said to move there is no need for you also to get hurt or be apart of this.

Norma laughed as she closed the door and headed him a glass eye and told him that he should work on where he is shooting someone should make sure that person doesn't have an glass eye at that moment he grabbed gaga and pointed a gun telling everyone to stay back or he will shoot she is on the floor he is standing over her with a gun with everyone in the house screaming just like in her dream

The dream suddenly came true his heart drops as everyone looks up as Mama tried plays Lucille knew what that song means as she gotten up and looked out the window seen him walking in a long black jacket with bloody and bleeding hand's with a look that could kill .

Dale .
Hi Edward did you miss me ha ha
Oh Edward you truely are the most worthless and Cowardly man  I have ever met on this side of  heaven and hell and i really have met some cowards in my day time to see if you a rightouse man.

Edward goes to pull out his 38 and met with a bullwhip and pulled up to be face to face with the man who he thought he had killed looking into the eye hole that has no eye only darkness can feel the bleeding hand's around his neck he thinks this isn't real so Dale takes Edward fingers and put them in his eye hole .

It's real I'm real doesn't it feel really real what wrong don't you like your work maybe you should see a doctor about those eyes of your they don't look right .

He is taken to the safe room where nobody could hear a grown man scream Edward is told the doctor is in and it's not doctor Phil he is handcuffs to hospital bed  with duck tape on his mouth looking over at a near by table had what the doctor needs to remove something from the human body he could only wound what are those tools for or be used for then the door opened first it's Dale  who walks in then gaga behind him they looked at him for a moment then it's show time  .

Gaga it isn't too late for you can still be safe and saved by letting me go cutting him down I was only trying to do what is best for us both and you have rejected my love for what them for all of this you will burn in hell for what you have done and taken from me.

It's been too late your the one who will burn for what you have taken from me all those years ago it's wasn't the best for me only you .

Dale is looking white in the face knows the damaged is about to take his ability to walk so why stop now either way he is going to end up in a wheelchair so until then he has one last job to do so better get it done with what time he does have left he takes so ever slowly to walk over to Edward with a drill injoy the look on his face when seen the drill puts several holes in his legs and arms before pulled up a chair and had a smoke .

I don't read the good book much like a man like yourself or goes to church but i remember if your eyes give you trouble drill them out before i do look at me in the eye hole and see what is ahead of you.

As the drill started to drill he started to yell but Gaga taken care of that by cutting out his tongue and soon after Dale drilled out both of his eyes she looked at him as he scream out in pain and begging her to just  end it  all right Dale looks at her said it's up to her weather or not to end it so fast .

You have no idea what it is like to lay there in the water bleeding out can't fight when or if the Gators came Norma found me after walking her dog didn't know if i would make it until i rise up from the dead with swamp water coming out of my eye hole that shit Burns well things are forgiven between Norma and my family but with you no I'm happy to say are not.

He had taken that drill and made several holes in Edward head tried to get some of those bad and sick thoughts out of his head it worked to after the fact of his brains being all over the floor Tammy watched as they carried his body out and into a giant hole where a match was light and Edward body was set on fire nothing was left of him Norma told Dale they are now even and he couldn't every say she never did anything to help they never seen talking again she goes her own way but stayed their friend 6 weeks later Dale was taken to the e.r the doctor tells Lucille what she already knows that her husband will never walk again for the rest of his life will be in an wheelchair through everything that happened and the secrets that could have and almost destroyed their family it didn't Tammy and gaga are free to rise their son without anyone trying to tear their world apart from the start to the end Dale was always there once a cheating and a wife beater but he changed put his body through so much and through it all a father love for his daughter over came the truth and the secrets which came out in the end and almost destroyed their family but one man won't allow it to happen.

There was a moment in time where i thought you were really Dead and not coming back to us but you wasn't you came back and now it's over our family is safe we can now truly live our lives together it's doesn't matter to me if your in a wheelchair your the same the same man I married and love to this day and forever.

I told you before I always come back to those i love our family can live their lives it's doesn't matter if I'm in a wheelchair or not if anyone and i mean anyone trys to stand in our family way of life don't care about this chair I'm coming for them and will tear their fucking hearts out.

The beaurgard family lives their lives as law abiding citizens stays to theirselfs never calls outside help or needs it for like he said if there is any trouble Dale Beauregard is coming to tear their heart's out and with a father love for his daughter he keeps those he loves safe there isn't nothing like a father love for his daughter.

The end

a father love for his daughter part 2 Where stories live. Discover now