chapter 27

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She sat there looking up at him as he  was doing something with his phone and charged pants she doesn't think that Dale knows how big of a deal this is worried about his health more then Dale is needs to take it easy for a few days to slow Down for a little while maybe have a little time for themselves to get away for a couple of days Tammy can take care of herself not a little girl Anymore she has shown it several times that she is an woman now.

We can go away to a nice hotel if you like but I'm telling you I'm feeling fine doctors don't know how I'm feeling just a health scare.

No it's not this is your health we are talking about have to take it easy I called the hospital and they told me what the poison had done to your heart and what damaged it has done.

You should know a thing or two about about trying to kill me after all i still remember waking up to a goddamn shot pointed in my fucking face by someone I'm looking at right now.

She didn't get it from me and besides i wouldn't have tried to kill my husband if he wasn't hitting me first now pack a bag for we are going away for a few days Tammy and gaga could use a couple of days alone it will be good for everyone you need this more then ever it's only for a week so get ready honey .

They found a nice hotel and for the next week they gotten away from everything and tried to get Dale health better while away Tammy and gaga tried to get a couple of days to theirselfs without anything bad from happening but if that was only the case gaga could feel that they wasn't Alone couldn't see Edward but had a feeling Tammy could see how she looked worried and feeling scared wants to ask but don't want to hurt gaga or make her have another breakdown but Edward didn't care about her well being at all though by if she was drove crazy or if she lost everything then he would be the only person she would have would be outside the house at all hours of the night stalking the couple if one of them taken a shower he would be standing outside looking in whatever they did he watched and knew every move they had made before bed gaga went to check on their baby she didn't see anything wrong but suddenly when she gone to close the window is when she seen a shodow that she thought were Edward standing there smacked the window shut ran downstairs to make sure everydoor and window is locked Tammy heard something being threw against an window someone threw a dead bird against the window door bell were being ringing would stop then again they both walked up to the front door to see who is doing this slowly the door opened and nobody was there only what he left them an dead animal of some kind with the words your mine cut into it everything would be fine during the day time hours but when darkness had fallen is when it would start happening again always the same thing over and over again  Sunday night Mrs Beauregard returned home from church to see what was going on Tammy and gaga were sitting at the kitchen table with a baseball bat across the table they both look like they haven't slept in days.

Mrs Beauregard.
This has to stop I'm calling the police or Lucille y'all can't live like this he is an man who prays on y'all fear this has gone on long enough girls.

Grandmother please don't call anyone we can handle this ourselves don't need any outside help mama has enough to deal with just let us handle this because he won't be praying on our fear for much longer with these games.

There was an knock on the back door as if something is being hit against it then they hear a load buzzing sound gaga holds the baseball bat up as Tammy opens the door all 3 women stand there looking completely cureless for somehow Jaws and Gator head gotten out and is sitting there not taken their eyes off of the woods at the back of the house see something or someone in these Wood's through the darkness they growl and show their teeths they are brought in and these mountain of dog's go to one place right to jed room where Jaws and Gator head stand guard watching the child but how did they get out nobody can touch those dog's but Dale and he isn't here so the question is how they sit there listening making sure the baby isnt hurt and nobody is in the house then Tammy and gaga go out to see how the dog's gotten out the gate is open the cage isn't broken so how the only way out is to unlock the gate door by hand but Edward wouldn't have done that those dog's would have tear him up Tammy and gaga thought of well what if they were let out by an remote control I mean this is Dale who said there isn't video cameras hided in that house and all over the property who said he hasn't been watching the whole time and by a remote control let those dog's go.

His cell phone think about it he always has it never leaves it he could be watching and listening right now could have been listening and watching when Edward was doing what he had left .

That is way he left without looking worried or seem uneasy about leaving for a couple of days he has been listening and watching this whole time control every thing open the gate let those dog's out all by his cellphone .

They walked back inside thinking this of dale
They don't know how right
They were for he was watching and listening
To everything that was going on
At the house and around the property
From the phone he seen everything that happened.

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