chapter 19

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As the night and strom wears on through the hours
She became more worried and more fearful on the fact
They ain't back yet waited for hours thinking the worst became more
Fearful when dale came home had
A gift for their grandson first
Birthday he started to know when
He kissed and hugged lucille that
They were alone and
Did asked where are the others
She didn't know how to say without
Making him angry she said
Gaga had some kind of break down
And left the others went out
Searching for her right before the
Storm hit they open the front door
As the the Storm wears on
With no chance of going
Anywhere they go back inside
And he discovers what she has found out
While in the attic searching for one thing and found another by mistake she hears him say to himself ( goddamn it i should have put it in a storage unit or destroyed it long ago )
Dale looks at lucille and just
Walked away upstairs to their bedroom
                 Where he sat and waited for
                   The Storm to Wear down
                          Until she came in .

What is in the attic and might i ask
What have I discovered that you have been keeping an secret.

He lays across the bed laughing as she stooded there thinking what is funny about what was asked what part of that is funny dale sat up laughs and said.

Maybe i should call an lawyer to help with what my cop of an wife is asking me get this through your head what is in the attic
Stays in the attic it is in the attic because
I put it there you has discovered something you have no idea
Or will ever know
What is inside
That chest you might ask all you want but there is one secret
That never will be heard or told.

She always knew he was a little crazy
But that night the craziness was really shown made lucille ask herself the question of just how crazy is her husband thunder hits hard and lighten knocked out the lights lucille is force to go up to the aittc to get some candies she hears the floorboards make a sound of someone else is walking and is also up here she looks over her shoulder there dale stands with an axe he doesn't see her as she hides and watched as he walked over to that chest listen as he talks craziness.

I told you to leave didn't i
But you didn't listen forced me to do it yes i had stolen the red clay of blood from the mangled bodies that plague to do a horror that i never would do like you they also Damned themselves to my wrath.

She came behind him called out and called his name a few times she decided to get in front of him looking him in the eye an Man who is armed with an axe is armed to do or to show how terrifying that man could be he swing's the axe and she was lucky she wharmed but mounts with fear as he stooded there with said axe.

Dale it's me lucille what are you doing with that axe
Put it down for you have already sent it through the wall I am unable to remove the weapon from you
Desperately need you to put it down please don't unleash the anger you feel on me for whatever reason this chest makes unfold.

Dale is speakless when he finds himself standing over lucille holding an axe she looks on as he drops the axe and looks at his hands in horror.

What is the last thing you remember
Before getting the axe and doing what you had did and could have did if i didn't call your name or had awoken you from that dark place.

He puts his head in his hands and taken
A deep breath then slowly let's it out
Dale wants to tell her the bad thing
He did and what is in that chest but how does one do so without being called
Or looked at as an monster for
The unspeakable thing
He had done only for his family will bring
Dale could see the justice in the very secret
That he had locked away
And each passing day it trys
To break him down the truth does.

Do you remember a guy that went by the name of ed francese the guy who was my cell mate in prison .

Ed francese an man who had
A rather bad then good history
He has been missing for over
15 year's or more
Y'all gotten in to a fight and never was friends ever again
I never liked him
Always lurking around some where
Watching me and tammy why do you bring him up 
What does ed francese have to do with any of this.

What if i told you 15 year's ago i put that very axe in that bastard skull
And his body his mangled bodie is locked away in the attic in that chest locked away to remind me a father must do anything when it comes to his daughter well being
When it comes to his little girl and her childhood almost being taken from a young age .

She doesn't follow what he was talking
About she looked on as dale sat there
As an man who was there but the
Mind were somewhere else
15 year's ago
On a cold dark nigh dale drove
To ed isolated cabin to find
Out about the story
Tammy told her father about what ed did to her.

This is crazy we are friends your going to believe
An 15 year old girl over my word
I am not a monster go ahead
Look around you won't
Find any pictures or some video because there isn't one.

Are you calling her an liar
Because she told me you had taken pictures of her and her friends
There is also a video
We ain't friends when you have tried to take 3 15 year old girls childhoods tried to destroy their lives tell me where is it.

Ed .
They all wanted to be on a video scared stupid but still They were pretty good for their time on video.

He sat there thought it was funny
Dale went outside
         Picked up an axe came back inside
             And put it through his skull
                Found all the pictures and
                    Video destroyed all of them
                          And locked his body away in the attic
Lucille couldn't tell what he was thinking or if the story
She just heard and were told true or not she only knows
That ed sheeran was Missing to this day
       And her husband just went crazy
           With an axe in the attic maybe
                 He is just crazy and whatever
                       Is in the aittc ain't no
                                 Dead body locked away in the chest .


a father love for his daughter part 2 Where stories live. Discover now