chapter 20

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Tammy watched over gaga as she became more unstable each passing second would wake up saying (we have no where to hide so many lies to many lies and not enough truth we are out of our element it's to much where is the honor in lying there is no dignity for the lies we know and tell) gaga tried to honor for better or worst did it until she had felt like she had lost or had no dignity what so ever Left tammy knew she was out of her element and knew what had to be done when this strom was over.

She has to stay at an mental hospital when the Strom break's there is nothing i or anyone else can do to help the state mental hospital is the place that could do the only  thing that will help  her now i never should have asked her to honor for better or worst look at what it has done to her.

Mrs Beauregard.

She didn't have to honor anything you do know and realize it don't you that is how you know you have someone who really cares and loves who she is with never forget love can make a person do crazy things look at your mother a little bit of fear and a whole lot of love can and will make a person do crazy things makes them honor the little things in life honor what really matters.

She didn't have to stay forever at the mental hospital just until the nervous break down has been taken care of which nobody knows or could tell for sure when she will recover from it gaga wouldn't say anything to the doctors when they would ask a question just sat there smiling with an smile like the joker always had that kind of smile

Gaga I'm here baby holding your hand this is all my fault i never would hurt one of the most important people in my life I pretended to be strong and was stupid enough to ignore what you was trying to to tell me. Something  that I'll  let go forever if you would just get better I'll let it go i swear I will.

Now you swear to let it go funny when i asked and begged for you to what i said wasn't heard but after the fact that I'm sitting in a fucking mental hospital after having an nerous break down after the fact that this place is more like an asylum for people who smell like piss and shit i love you tammy but i won't do this anymore when i get out we need to make a change or there is nothing for us anymore.

She understood when told we need to make a change or there is nothing for us anymore doesn't want to lose who she loves doesn't want to say goodbye to one of the most important people in her life so she steps in the hallway to make a phone call wanted to call and tell Jonathan that she is out doesn't want anything to do with meeting his friend
But jonathan told tammy it's time to meet Norma she doesn't want to but
Does agreed to meet with her beyond a Park
Or anyplace where something could happen
Or harm could be done to her in anyway so They met in a restaurant since this is an woman she has never met before
Until now and when they did come face to face with each other tammy couldn't believe her eyes
For it was like looking in a mirror and it dawns on her right away
Norman is her brith mother
Her life is completely turned upside down
She doesn't know where to start completely taken off by
The woman who looks just like her with the same beauty and looks as hers 

Same beauty and looks at the first sight of meeting she knew there was another human being with the same blood as her own it were everything she hoped it would be well from Norma side of the story was explained what really happened may not agree or want to believe the truth but it's the truth she had told a wild and crazy story to make herself the innocent one
And dale the one who was bad and evil

         Dale beauregard assumed to be
            All there in the head but truly
             Isn't for after the death of his
                 Sister dale mind slowly started to simply be not be the same
     Ever again and year's later the death
          Of the first born daughter were more than enough
To actually see what was going on in his mind and how the evidence were destroyed on the same night
He had came and taken you not only as his daughter but as some kind of trophy after destroying the only woman who had an relationship which was only sexually for him but what really gotten tammy was when she said a man couldn't have ever adopted his real daughter the reason
For tammy and dale never getting alone always fighting or swearing at each other isn't because she was adopted but because she is dale real daughter
Has the same flesh and blood as he does
She felt betrayed didn't expect to learn this dark secret
So unexpected never really
Was precisely aware of that fact
Or have been aware of it from the moment she started this pursuit of the truth and now
That the truth or the story
Of her truth was uncertain and surprised tammy she now knows his true identity and outrage by the fact of what dark secret that has been kept from her knowing sat there feeling that dale is the most mean and evil man who heart is cold as ice and is warm by the fires of hell there  only one man who Walks this earth  who is that evil and damned and his name is dale  beauregard tammy asked an question and holds her breath .

I am risking everything i am terrified of the thought of what he might do just learned all of this need time to sort out things don't have all the answers yet but also I am the one who is risking everything my problem is i can't figure out who to trust you or him .

I am avoiding you to leave and take those you love take a trip with me i can get tickets and yourself and those you love could be on an flight to anywhere in the next hour trust me you haven't seen or know the real  dale beauregard i have searched for so long and I don't want any harm to come to you.

Norma could have made her come with her by force to make tammy surrender the trust fund to her perhaps she could kill two birds with one stone
Use her ability to play the mother
Who was thought to be dead
But in fact only wants her long lost daughter and to take revenge against who taken her
Tammy tried to stay calm but what she just learned had her with so much anger that all she wanted to do was to kill her father for he was a horrible man who had no right to live or be living today tammy taken several deep breaths and then let them out slowly poison poison that can't be seen or ever known to be given
The poison called stone killed
Doesn't show up or could be known to be in whatever it was put into she would wait until he had his breakfast and then put this deadly poison to use now there were the thought of what if he found out and this were to have failed tammy never has felt the kind of pain her mother has felt never be given painful bruise's with his fists dale was a very large man who hits hard with an belt sometimes brings blood so she has to make sure nothing goes wrong or else she could have the same painful bruise's as lucille once had.


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