Part 3

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A week or so had passed since the little moment they had shared in the office. Tony hadn't spoken to her for days, although he hadn't been around much in the office, the small time he was there he never paid any attention to anyone.

The morning of a very busy Wednesday at Stark Industries and there was a lot of talk of Tony being distracted, no one had been going into his office apart from Ms Potts. Which of course had everyone talking, was Ms Potts now his girl or was he just being made to actually work?

She often sat looking at his door, just waiting for anything from him, it was safe to say she missed him.

It was that Wednesday lunch time when she went for her break, she was heading out to meet her friend for lunch, she stood waiting by the elevator, stepping inside once it arrived, she was alone so pressed the button to the floor she needed to be on, when suddenly the doors appeared to open again as a hand caught the door, stopping it from fully closing.

She didn't look up from her phone, until she felt his presence close to her body. She lifted her head to see Tony staring back at her,she wasn't sure if he was angry by the look on his face but she gave him a soft smile, which he then leaned closer to her, and whispered low in her ear..

"Ya missed me?" She could feel her butterflies in her stomach when the words left his mouth, her face burning up in a hot flush.

"Don't worry.. I know you do.. I can tell.." he whispered again before she felt his hand rest on the small lower part of her back, and then he moved away, leaning back against the elevator wall, his arms crossed over his chest with a smirk on his face.

She was all flustered but knew she couldn't stand her friend up so had to go when it reached her floor.

"Have a good lunch break sweetheart.." he said as the elevator doors opened.

He's playing games.

She turned to face him before he pressed another button to go back up his office floor.. He really came in the elevator just to say that?

Giving him one last look before the doors closed, he gave her a wink, and bit his bottom lip.

Her thoughts had all been messed up by that small moment, she could hardly focus on her friend.

They were sitting in a cafe having lunch, her friend was talking about something that just couldn't get her interest, all she could think about was Tony, and the effect he had on her. Just a few words would leave her needing him more and more.

"Are you even listening to me?"

She's finally pulled from her thoughts and back to reality..

"Yes sorry.. my minds just so crazy at the moment with work and.."

"A guy.."

"What? No.. definitely not.." she tried to lie but her friend knew.

"There's a guy, I can tell. You're different..
You haven't been listening to a word I've said since we got here.. Who is he?"

"No one.. it's no one.." she tried again.

"So it's clearly someone.. a guy at work I'm guessing?"


"Ah! So it is.. come on spill.."

"I really can't tell you..But he's so hot.." she didn't want to openly admit it was Tony Stark, and she's sure her friend would be disappointed in her if she found out what was going on.

"Oh come on!! You can't say that.."

Just as she went to say more, she noticed the time and it almost the end of her lunch break, she had 7 minutes to get back to the office.

Just An Office Girl - Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now