Part 21

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She couldn't sleep. Those words played over in her head. Tony was still sleeping and she managed to escape from his grasp, and make her way downstairs. She wiped a tear that had fell onto her cheek as she stood looking out the window, gathering her thoughts.

She couldn't stop thinking of it. The photo, the words. She looked at the message over and over again. Her tears falling slowly.

With Tony sleeping, the sky still so dark, she went outside and sat on the step near the pool, looking out to the ocean in the distance.

She looked at the view in front of her, and then the house that was behind her, she was thinking of it all, how lucky she is, that Tony really choose her.

But was it worth it all? All the glares, all the tension with the others, all the gossip about her? If someone can send this, and be so cruel, is it really worth it?

Sure, to her the sex was great, being cared for by Tony was great, she loved him, but she couldn't stop feeling this doubt about it all now.

Is it time to take the whole thing to a close?

Will Tony be hurt if she just got up and left? Never to be seen again?

She wiped away her cheek with the sleeve of Tony's shirt that she wore. The smell of his cologne, still so strong on the collar.

She slight breeze of the night air made her shiver. She was stuck in two minds now, and didn't know what to do. She didn't want to leave Tony, but she couldn't face all this hate towards her.

As she looked again at the message another came through...

Hope you're enjoying your little charade of a relationship, it won't last.

Trust me.

She wasn't sure what the hell this persons problem was, but she couldn't help feeling hurt by it.

Why would someone care so much to ruin a relationship?

Jealousy or just pure hate?

Time ticked by, not knowing how long she sat outside for, but when the sun started to rise, she realised Tony would be soon waking up.. 

It was now or never and she had a decision to make.

She made her way inside the house, and found a notepad and pen..

Dear Tony,

I am truly sorry that I have to do this, trust me, it's the hardest decision I've ever had to make..

first, it's not you, it's me. I simply can't do it.

I love you, I really do, and I have had the best few months being that special someone to you and I know you'll find love again, if you just believe in your feelings, and trust your heart, like you have done with me. That special girl is out there somewhere, and she will be someone who deserves all of this. Someone who deserves to be Mrs Tony Stark because I know that's not me. I have never deserved to be that. I never will.. that's why I'm letting you go.

You deserve someone better than me.

I'm sorry Tony that this is how I have to end it, but I don't like goodbyes. And if I did it in person, then I would never leave..

This for the best, and maybe we'll both realise in time, that this was the right thing to do..

I just hope one day you will forgive me..

I love you Tony.. xx

She wiped away her tears as she clicked off the pen and left the note by his coffee machine, knowing that would be the first thing we would go for..

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