Part 23

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Tony was stuck in yet another work meeting. He felt like this was all he did now, work, work & work! It had been a few weeks since he visited her in the apartment.. and after sitting with her, listening to all her worries, Tony finally understood the pain it was causing, but he couldn't just let her go.. not because of a few nasty comments. Tony stayed with her that night, it was like their relationship had just started all over again.

It wasn't long after that Tony went back to work, trying to make it all better.. for everyone that worked with him. He would attend meetings on time, he would listen and take up to any of Pepper's requests.

"Wow.. who are you and what have you done with my boss?" Pepper joked as she entered Tony's office that morning and saw he was there before her.

"He's still here.. just.. slightly improved.."

"You know.. I think I liked the old Tony better!" She laughed.. but soon after a quick tension filled the air. Tony pulled at his tie, that he wore purposely for their meeting.

"Sorry.." Pepper quickly apologised.. "I didn't.."

"Pep.." Tony stood from his chair, and rested his hand on hers.. "It's fine.." he smiled at her..causing her to look away, and down at his hand that covered hers.

"Shall we?" He motioned to the door, so they can leave.

Pepper was confused, this new way Tony was acting, was weird for her. Yes she always wanted him to sort his life out, stop sleeping around and pay more attention to the work he's supposed to do.. but now he was doing it, it didn't feel right to her.. or maybe it was because it wasn't her that changed him...

After Pepper had told him she cared a little more for him than she was supposed to, little gestures from him like the simple hand touching, the odd occasion where his hand would rest on her lower back, his knee sometimes bumping hers when they sat next to each other in meetings, all those little things caused her mind to wonder. Would she ever be given a second chance?

Pepper's assistant, also became more fond of Tony. The closer they worked together, the closer she thought they were becoming.

"Is there anything else I can do for you today Mr Stark?" She asked as Tony and Pepper left his office, and walked to the meeting room.

"No.. you can finish early if you like, Miss Potts and I will be quite a while, and will be leaving as soon as we're done.."

"Oh.. uh.. sure.. that would be great Mr Stark.."

"Please.. call me Tony.."

"But you said.."

"Ah! Forget what I said.. it's Tony alright?" He shot her a soft smile before disappearing into the meeting room. He could hear Pepper giving her some final instructions before she sent her away.

After the meeting had finished, Happy was waiting to take them both home. It was late, so Pepper was taken home first.

"2pm is the first one tomorrow? Right?"

"Yes.. how did you.." Pepper was stunned. He actually looked at his schedule.

"I checked.. I'm gonna stay in the shop tomorrow, got some things finished that I'm working on.. so I'll see you here.. half 1 ish?" He dropped his hand down to her knee, causing her to blush.

"Oh yes.. sure.. will that be all Mr Stark?"

"That'll be all Miss Potts.. see you tomorrow.." Pepper smiled, took her files and disappeared into the distance, Tony watched her every step, he bit his lip when he saw her walk away.

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