Part 6

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"We have a briefing at 2pm with Miss Potts and and Mr Stark.."  one of the office girls whispered across the desks.

She wasn't sure what it was about, should she be worried?

All the girls in the office had been sent the meeting request from Pepper. This can't be good she thought to herself, not if she's getting these emails from Pepper Potts.

The morning went by so slowly, everyone was time watching ever since those emails appeared.

What made everyone question things even more was no one had seen Tony or Pepper all day.

She hasn't heard from Tony either, which isn't like him at all. She knows he's in his office but not a single word to her. She was starting to worry.

No one gets a briefing from the CEO and doesn't get fired. Not here at Stark Industries anyway.

She figured it was decision day.

"So what do you think this is all about?" A strong male voice from behind her spoke as she stood in the canteen making a coffee on her lunch break.

It was Henry.. one of the engineers that she often saw in and out of the canteen. Although they never knew any of them, their faces were familiar.


"You lot, getting called in to see the boss.." Henry smirked.

"Oh.. I don't know.." she really didn't, the more she thought about it, the more she worried.

"You know.. if there is anyone that should stay, it should be you.." Henry touched her arm with his hand, smirking down at her. Immediately she shot him a glare and he winked.

Henry took his coffee and sat down at one of the tables, holding out his hand to the other seat.

"Join me?" He asked.

She was hesitant but she did sit down opposite him at the table.

"Hand on heart.. I'm really nervous.. this job.. I can't afford to lose.." She took a sip of her freshly made coffee.

Henry watched again with a slight smirk to his face, almost Tony like..she frowned a little at the likeness. Maybe it was just Tony on her mind.

"Don't worry, Mr Stark can't lose one of his best girls, I'm sure he knows that.."

"Thanks.. uh.."


"Nice to meet you Henry, I sure hope you're right.."

"Trust me, I know a great girl when I see one.."

The flirting from him was getting out of hand a little, although Henry was cute, had a gorgeous smile, brown eyes like Tony.. he wasn't Tony. He didn't make her feel the same way with just one look.

When she arrived back at her desk after her lunch break, only 1 hour remained until the important briefing.

The clock ticked slowly past each minute. She couldn't concentrate, none of the girls could. The awkward, nervous tension around the room was awful for them all.

When the clock reached 1:55pm everyone had started to make their way into the meeting room.

They all sat anxiously waiting and when the door opened, at 2pm on the dot. The room fell silent.

Tony, in his normal three piece suit, Pepper in her usual business attire. They both looked stunning.

All eyes where on them. But Tony's immediately scanned the room and fell on her. He gave her a soft smile, something he would never do with anyone other than.. maybe Pepper. Almost as if he does have feelings.

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