Part 27

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As the questions continued to flow, Tony handled them so she didn't need to speak about any of it, he put their story across, and left it at that without mentioning any of the hate she had received, but as she glanced down at her phone as a text message came through, another one from that number..

Trust me, I haven't even started yet.

She tried to ignore it, as she focused on Tony and the reporters, the cameras continued to flash in front of her. The questions of Tony and Pepper's assistant were being asked constantly, but Tony ignored them, he played them down.

"So.. please no further questions at this time.." She heard him say, as he wants to concentrate on their relationship.. not talk about his past.

She tried to focus on his words but she couldn't hear him, she could just hear those words from the message, repeating in her head.

"You alright sweetheart?" Tony glanced down to her hand, noticing how her hand began to squeeze her phone tightly in frustration.

"Uh.. yeah.. yeah fine.. are we done here?"

"Yes, I think so.." Tony took her other hand in his, and began to wave at the journalists when they began to leave..

Just before they were about to board Tony's car, another message had came through to her phone.. she really didn't want to read it but when she saw it was from Pepper's assistant, she couldn't resist.

This isn't over.

She read it over, and sighed, before getting into the car.. Tony's hand lay across her thigh, as his driver took them home.

"You sure you're ok? You haven't said much since.."

"Yeah.. I'm fine.."

"It should all be ok now, she won't be bothering you anymore.." he whispered.. leaning across to place a kiss on her cheek.

"Mmm.. let's hope so.."

"I mean it, if she even dreams of giving you any hate..she won't know what's hit her.."

She didn't bother to tell Tony about the messages, she didn't want to stress him out about it, or get him into any trouble, so she tried to ignore them, but that final message, even though it was the last one for a while, it didn't half mess with her mind, and her feelings. Her paranoia soon got stronger as every day went by. Endless hours spent searching on the news for anything relating to her and Tony.. but to her surprise it was always good news.  Nothing bad on her.. which made her feelings worse.. she was scared to enjoy anything in case this insane woman brought it all crashing down. She was waiting for photos, the video the be posted, she was waiting for something bad to be shared where it would get to her.

She couldn't stop thinking of it. It was driving her crazy, the nights spent with Tony, she always ended up waiting for something bad to be posted shortly after, but nothing, nothing ever was. No one had heard from Pepper's assistant  for many, many months, was this the end? Had the assistant finally gave up the idea of tormenting her? Finally gave up the idea of being with Tony Stark? She didn't know.. but it didn't make the days easier, deep down she still knew this girl would be plotting something.. she wouldn't text that and then.. leave it.. it was hard to even focus on her relationship, it was making her unhappy, although she tried, every day made her worse, as her paranoia continued to take over her life, which seemed to have an impact on the relationship with Tony.

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