Chapter 2

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She raised both of her fist in the air when Jungkook's team won, Jungkook looked at her and he smiled raising his fist, like telling her he did it! She smiled, "Jungkook won! Jungkook won!" She let out in happiness while she jumped a little when Jungkook won the soccer team she raised both of Taehyung's hand locking both of her fingers with his while swinging them, Taehyung's lips formed a smile when he saw her happy, her happiness is his too. "Nice game!" She backed off when Taehyung bumped his fist with Jungkook, Jungkook smiled ruffling her hair, and she pouted "What she doin here?, she still have classes though." Jungkook let out before opening his bottled water, Taehyung keep his hands in his pockets "she said she wanna see you." Taehyung let out she bumped her shoulders on his, he promised he will protect her from Jungkook's nag though but Taehyung shrugged his shoulders. Looking away and she tssk "What did I say if you cut classes again?" Jungkook's fingers her cheeks pinching it "Ah! Ah! Yah Jeon Jungkook." She let out and Jungkook scoffed "Yah Jeon Jungkook?" He mimcked, this time he pinched both of her cheeks she just got her death wish,she tapped Taehyung's shoulder for help, and Taehyung chuckled when she reached for Jungkook's cheeks too pinching them, Taehyung laughed stopping this cute little fight of them..

Jungkook sighed sitting on her grave 'Ji Eun' he put the bouque of flowers on her grave as those memories flashes in his mind, it gave a pinched in his heart. Jungkook stand up, touching her grave like feeling her presence that only remains in his heart. He closes his eyes, missing her. He breathed out putting his helmet on, before saying his bye and ride his motor bike to leave.


You closed your locker while Rose leaned on hers "Well Deserve bad boy." She let out when she just heard what you did to Jungkook yesterday. You looked at your locker, checking it one more time "Oh." You let out, why is it not here? When you need it the most! "My book, I forgot." You sighed "Here." You heard Taehyung's voice as he gave his book to you, "No, no, what about you?" You asked pushing gently his book to him, while Rose is there leaning on her locker, with a smile forming on her lips. Yes she do have a crush a Taehyung, just a crush but she ship you with him. "It's okay, I read enough." He let out "but" your heart stops when a small smile formed on his lips, he don't know why too, but he always smile whenever he sees you. "See you in class." He carried his shoulder bag, before leaving you there with Rose, with your stomach with a lot of butterflies. You were back to reality when you felt Rose's hand on your shoulder pushing you while she squeal, you chuckled holding your emotions. Jungkook saw all the scene making him hold his bag tight before entering the classroom.

Taehyung took his seat, he looked around and there is no pair seats. He knows you always sit beside Rose, but this time he can see you can't. "Can I?" She asked Taehyung even know he is known to be cold she still tries, she wants to seat beside her crush though. But Taehyung just put his bag beside him, definitely reserving the seat for you, he didn't even glance at the classmates, his eyes is on his notes. She sighed, going back to her friends when she failed. Taehyung heards some footsteps, probably its four people, and he heard yours. He knows you are coming in, and then you came in with Rose with your other classmates. Rose pouted when she saw she can't sit beside you, you smiled at her making her sit first, while you searched for some vacant seat. "Y-" Taehyung was about to call your name when you felt fingers around your wrist pulled you to sit beside him. You looked at the guy who pulled you and it was Jungkook, Taehyung was to stand up to get you but the prof came in. Jungkook just get you, just to see Taehyung's reaction and he is right you really affect Taehyung. "Sign it." Jungkook showed you his waver "Why should I?" You answered and his eyes are on you, you know everybody is afraid of him, like even if they just heard Jungkook's footstep they will run away but you, you are different he can see it in your eyes. "Sign while I'm asking you nicely." Is this his way of being nice? If this is how it is, then you don't want it. Besides it will be his lost, and you are not even afraid of him, so why follow him? You ignored him and listen to the prof. "Good morning class, let's start."

The class dismiss for the mean time, because it's lunch. You wait for Rose, since she said she will just get something from her locker, she insisted going alone, to be quick. You go ahead to canteen, to buy foods for both you and Rose, when you felt a leg infront of you, you were about to fall on the ground hard, when Jungkook hold your wrist tight, catching you after tripping you. You scoffed eyes glaring at him, he smirked at you "watch where you goin." He let out and you scoffed at him, Jungkook felt his hand being threw when Taehyung hold his wrist, throwing it away and he hold your wrist. His and Jungkook's eyes met, there are flame in them, though they don't speak. "Let's go y/n" Taehyung said before taking you with him, Jungkook smirked watching the both of you as he crossed his arms on his chest......



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