Chapter 7

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Before Jungkook brought you home...

Jungkook ride his motor bike, phone in his hand while he scrolls on the social media, 'Girls are told to stay at home, or either have someone to take them home. Since the rates of girls being missing is risin--" Jungkook eyes quickly searches for you, and he spotted you holding your keys. He is determined you won't let him take you home. "How?" He asked himself under his breath before an idea popped in his mind when he saw your keys. He took it from your hands raising it up to his height for you to not be able to reach it...

You arrived near at your place, you took off the helmet, before getting off his big bike, you opened your palm "Keys" you let out and him, being the man of his words chuckled before giving it to you. You seriously not afraid of him? You turned aroynd after he gave you your keys, not even saying goodbye to him. He watched your back, making sure you enter your house safely before he wore his helmet again, he can feel his heart beat in happiness, when he successfully brought you home safe....


"You're home?" You saw your mom ready to leave and she stops when she saw a young man on his big bike,"I was about to fetch you." Your mom let out, while wearing her doctor uniform "It's okay now mom, I'm here. Did something happen?" You asked her "y/n's friend?" You were surprised to see Jungkook is still there, he quickly remove his helmet before bowing 90 degrees infront of your mother, "Where did you meet this handsome friend?" Your mom asked whispering to you. "He's not my friend mom" and she looked at you, with a teasing smile "Have you eaten son?" She asked and Jungkook blinked his eyes "he already at--" your words are cut off "Not yet Ma'am." Jungkook said politely, wow this man is such a transformer! "Come along and eat dinner with us." She let out "Mom!" You whispered shouted and she tapped your back, Jungkook smiled gently before following your mom "Yah Jeon." You called out but he just pretended not to hear you....

You are serving the plates while your eyes is on him "leave." You let out in a whisper but definitely in gritted teeth. Jungkook chewed the snack you just prepared for appetizer "Don't wanna be rude to your mom so Nope, not gonna happen." He even smiled, that evil smile!   "Let's eat!" Your mom let out before you could even kill Jungkook, you seated beside your mom, but she bumped your shoulder giving you a cue you should sit beside Jungkook. She pushed you a little but making you sit beside Jungkook, you had no choice but of course had a meal with him.

Jungkook bowed to your mom, and her lips formed a smile "Jungkook right?" She asked coming close to him, Jungkook nodded his head "Yes Ma'am.'' He answered "Jungkook can I ask you a favor?" Your mom asked while Jungkook keeps his gloved hands interlock infront of him. "Can you be the one, to stay with y/n when I'm not around?" Jungkook would love that, a smile formed from his lips. "Yes ma'am" he answered and she smiled "Thank you son." Jungkook smiled at that, your mom is very warm person and it melts his heart. "Here." You hand him a lunch box as your mom told you to. Jungkook took it from your hands and he bowed to your mother "Thank you Ma'am." He let out politely, somehow Jungkook being polite hits different, "I'll go ahead." He let out eyes on you , you nod your head holding your mom's arm. Jungkook wore his helmet before leaving. "He's a good man, y/n" she let out before taking you with her...


You walked through the hallways, you felt a hand on your arm, and it's your bestfriend Rose "So, mr. Badboy just ate in your house." She let out in a teasing way,  "He just had a meal, that's all." You let out and Rose had this teasing smile on her face, like who she really ships? Is it you and Taehyung? Or you and Jungkook. She loves them both for you! You sighed and you felt your heart skips a beat when you saw him from a far. Taehyung really makes you feel butterflies in your stomach, even if he is  just standing there and doing nothing, you can feel a lot of butterflies in your stomach. You can feel your a heart beating a lot faster, when he is coming closer as he walks through the hallways, the same hallway where you in. "He's coming." Rose whispered and your lipa formed a smile to greet him but then your heart drops feeling it broke into million pieces when he just passed you by.

Saying nothing, and not even glancing...

I almost forgot to update a chapter!!! Lol  have a nice day everyoneeeee🤍

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