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"Your soul is art." - j.b.

Chapter 63

I knew Raven was on my heels as I hurried to the two. I'd never seen my brother so angry, and truthfully, it shocked me.

"Ryland, what the hell?" Raven shouted, pulling at his arm, which was pinned against Kade's throat.

It was like her, and I were ghosts. His attention was focused solely on Kade, and only him.

His green eyes were red as he stared into my guys' eyes. "What the fuck have you done to my sister?" Ryland lurched Kade's body back before slamming it into the wall once more. "Huh? You're using her to get back to me? Is that how we're getting down, Ryder?"

I pulled at his arm, but it was no use. My brother never missed a workout, and with the training he'd received when he was younger, my weak ass had nothing on him.

Kade, who was as silent as I'd ever seen him, grinned at Ryland. "You really think I give a shit about you?"

Before I could react, Ryland's fist was in action. It hit Kade so hard, his head thumped against the wall.

I dug my nails into Ryland's arm, pleading. "Ryland, just stop, and we can all talk."

I wasn't worried for Kade. I was worried for Ryland.

I could see Kades' eyes darkening as his lips curled into a grin. Blood dripped from his nose, and across his lips, but he made no effort to clean it up. Instead, he chucked.

Without hesitation, he stated, "I love her."

"You're fucking incapable of loving someone as good as her!" Ryland's angry gaze sliced through Kade's words. "You're gonna stay the fuck away from my sister."

Kade's expression never sported fear. He lifted his hand, patting Ryland on the cheek. "Don't be silly."

My brother leveled a glowering look of rage. "I'm not going to warn you again. Stay away from her." I nearly jumped out of my spot as his penetrating glare caught up to me.

He swept a bruising hand through his hair, frowning at me as he stepped closer. "How long has this bullshit been going on? What did he tell you? That he'd take care of you? That he'd love you?"

I had to will myself to speak. His grip on Kade had lessened, but I didn't want anymore physical interactions between the two, again.

Kade watched me, carefully. I could see him trying to guess, trying to be one step ahead of what I would say next.

I sucked in a tight patch of air before releasing it. "Since we moved back. We've been together for a while, but he loves me, Ryland. And, I love him."

He ran a hand across his face, huffing as he processed my words. He shook his head, as if it would erase the memories of tonight.

"Kimberly, he doesn't love you. He doesn't love anyone. I know he might have told you things about me, and I'll tell you all you want, but that doesn't change a thing. He knew the best way to get to me, and that was through you," he pleaded with me, eyes begging for my agreement.

"It's been years," Kade mumbled around a chuckle. "The fuck would I still be thinking about you for?"

I whipped a look to him to make him hush. Ryland was already ready to pounce, and he'd take any excuse to do so.

I directed my attention back to my brother. "That's not true. You haven't been around him; you haven't talked to him. Not the him that you met all those years ago, but the real him." I felt my lips lift on their own with each word as I moved to Kades' eyes. "And...yes, he told me about you and dad. He told me about all of it."

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