clumsy kimberly

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Hope y'all like it! Enjoy!🤍

"Oh yes, the past can hurt. But you can either run from it, or learn from it." – Rafiki, from The Lion King

Chapter 3

Nearly a week had passed since I'd been here. It hadn't gotten any easier, but the closer I was to graduation the better.

I glanced around the quiet highway. I wracked my quiet brain for any type of memory for directions in the school. Even though I'd been here a while, directions weren't at all my strong suit. The school was so large, it was much easier to get lost than anticipated.

"Take a left, and then what?" I mumbled to no one in particular.

"Need some help?"

I spun around in shock, mainly because I'd been caught talking to myself. And, a cute man had caught me. By his appearance, I predicted that he was a senior, as well.

Say something, Kimberly.

My mind and mouth decided to cause a dispute toward one another. "Yes," I attempted a small smile. "Please."

He tilted his head to the side, his eyes scanning my stiff figure in curiosity. "You're new?" he guessed.

I mustered a quick nod of the head. His full lips pressed into a fine line as he nodded in return.

"Makes sense," he motioned toward my schedule. "Here, let me check it out." My skepticism grew at his sudden act of kindness, but I moved closer, nonetheless.

I handed him my crumbled schedule, in which he examined carefully. I took this time to get a better look at him.

I think it was his wolffish grey eyes that captured me the most. His height had to be at around 6'1" by the way he towered over me. With clean-cut eyebrows closing in, his large hand meddled through his wave of brown curls. His boyish charm wrapped the package up nicely, as well.

My 5'5" ass had nothing on him.

His eyes raised to mine in a quick beat, a cute smile being thrown my way. Crimson shade invaded my cheeks immediately before I let my gaze fall.

After a couple of stretched seconds, he finally looked up from the paper. "So, your name is Kimberly, huh?"

"How did you know that?" I blurted out without running it over twice.

His orotund laugh was followed by, "It's right here." His index finger pointed toward my name at the top of the paper.

I nearly walked off to save myself a fraction of embarrassment. "Right," I answered back in a small voice.

"Hey, we have first period together," he pointed out.

I nodded my head as a response. He'd soon figure out that I was not much of a talker, especially to strangers.

I gathered the little courage I had to sneak another glance at him. Once I set my eyes on his face, I noticed the way his pink lips were turned down in a frown.

Only three words.

"What's your name?" Jesus. I sounded as if I were at gunpoint.

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