retaliation|part 2

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"Celebrate your life, you are your own light" – Lailah Gifty Akita

Chapter 38|Part 2

I continued to clutch the very edges of the sink. My fingers shook as I heard their laughter. Her laughter.

I didn't expect for it to happen so quickly. I thought that I would at least have a couple of days, or even weeks to process her arrival. But, instead, she was in the kitchen right now. Being the 'mother' to Ryland that she should have been all along.

"Kimberly, come on!" I heard my dad shout.

I scowled at myself in the mirror. How could he, of all people, be alright with this? Him and Ryland were the ones she hurt most, yet she was forgiven so easily. But, I had said yes to her returning so I was partially to blame here.

Right on time, I thought as I heard the sound of Raven's horn outside. Immediately, I grabbed the things I needed, and returned to the hallway.

I barely caught Ryland's voice behind me. "Where you headed so late?"

I cringed as I remembered that I failed to mention the party to him. Dad did as well, since he knew his reaction would decipher the conversation very quickly. Ever since I came to live with them, he'd been protective. I figured it was him trying to make up for all of the years I had to endure with my mother and brothers, but perhaps he could have stopped this party thing before it even started. Even though I wanted to tell him so many times, my dad always persuaded me otherwise.

"Just going out," I lied.

Rylands' eyes ran over me, searching for any signs of dishonesty. "Where?"

My mind jumped until I found, "To a pizza parlor," I tried to sound convincing.

"With—" he began before my dad curved the conversation.

"Boy, she's a teenager, let her leave," my dad said to him as he stepped from around the corner.

I heard Raven slam her hand down on the horn, again. "Well, that's my cue," I rushed before kissing my dad's cheek.

"Wait a minute," Ryland began before I felt his arms embrace me.

"Try to have fun," he said as he hugged me.

I smiled, leaning back from his overprotective stance. "I think I'll make it."

I smothered my scowl as I heard her enter the room. "Wait, you're not staying for the tater tot casserole? Your brother told me it's your favorite."

"No thanks, Teresa," I emphasized her name with disgust, arms over my chest.

She frowned. "Well, I'll make sure to save you a piece, then. If these two don't eat it all first though." I had to stop myself from throwing up at her chuckle.

I'd give it to her; Teresa did play the part very well. Her once golden blonde locks were darkening at the roots, though it still curled upwards at her slightly narrowed chin. Her oblong face structure was often accompanied by cherry, red lipstick, sharp green eyes, and a slightly crooked nose. Her clothes were usually carefully chosen and stylish. Ryland was a spitting image of her, though they were nothing alike, not to me. My brother wasn't one to leave when things got tough, something his mother obviously did.

I heard dad mention a couple of times of her drug addiction. How when she left, she got mixed up with the wrong people and spent the past four years strung out on whatever she could get. It wasn't very surprising once you saw her up close. If you went past the carefully plastered makeup, you could see a pair of cracked lips, wrinkled corners of her face, and a slightly crinkled forehead.

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