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"Mama always said 'Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.' — Forrest Gump

Chapter 16

"Kim, wake up!"

My brother's voice broke through my slumber. My eyes, slowly but surely, opened to the sight of his wide ones staring back at me.

"What do you want, Ryland?" I mumbled in a grumpy voice.

He tossed a random outfit toward me. "Get dressed!"

I rubbed my eyes tiredly. "You're not handing me my other stuff too?"

His eyebrows rose as the red spots blotched his cheeks like ink. "Are you crazy? I'm not touching your lady shit! Now get up!"

An annoyed grin grew on my face. "Ryland, you know that my shirts are on top of both my underclothes, right?" I lied.

His face quickly shifted from shock to disgust. His eyes widened at my words, and before I could say anything else, he rushed out of my room.

"He's the older sibling, but acts like the youngest," I mumbled to myself. 

I giggled at his melodramatic attitude. Even if it were morning, I still liked to mess with him when I got the chance.

Once I had gotten dressed for school, I figured I'd actually change up my look today. Instead of a grey hoodie, I wore a black one.

As I scanned my appearance in the reflector, I mumbled, "Good improvement."

"Are you ready yet, honey?" I looked to see my dad's brown eyes staring back at me through the crook of my door.

I smiled at the man who raised me, my love only growing for him even more. "Yeah."

"You're riding with me today, right?" Ryland asked once we were all sat at the table.

I nodded while chewing a piece of bacon. As badly as I wanted to save gas for us all, my feet were terribly aching from the previous night.

My heart could say the same about the aching part. I didn't know which one hurt the most, my heart or my feet.

It seemed that the 'moment' between Kade and I, affected me more then I thought it would.

When I closed my eyes, all I saw were his chocolate drop ones. When I tried to redirect my mind elsewhere, it would always find it's way back in Kade's direction. When I breathed in the fresh air around me, my oxygen seemed to be Kade's scent.

When I bit my lip, it felt like it was Kade's lips I were tasting instead of my own. Though we didn't get to kiss last night, my lips still managed to hold onto the small graze against his. I wondered if he was losing his mind like I was.

I hated, but at the same time thanked Raven for interrupting the moment that happened between Kade and I. Somewhere in me, I knew that kissing him would have been too wrong for my own good. He would only hurt me again, and I knew this.

I did.


I snapped my head up to look at my very curious brother and father.

I guess I zoned out for a minute.

"Yes?" I tried to pretend to show interest in whatever subject they brought up.

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