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"No matter where you go, you will always be in my heart." —Anthony T. Hincks


Chapter 89

It was hard to get through the swarm of people, but after a while, I began to shove and push. Eventually, I made it to where I needed to be.

Since everyone was too occupied by the celebratory win, it was empty out here. I could smell the burnt rubber, the old oil. The m track stretched for miles, just as I remembered it the last time I was here. There were two cars just before the starting line, so I headed for one before anyone could see me.

I yelped as I felt a hand grasp my arm. I turned in shock, ready to flee.

Luke released me as he stepped closer. His eyes glowered down at me, his lips set in a scowl. "What in the fuck do you think you're doing?"

The cool wind swept through my hair, so I went ahead and put my hair back into a ponytail to keep it out of my way. "I'm going to race for Kade." I tightened the band, then my hoodie.

Lukes' brows scrunched closer together. For a second, I thought his eyeballs would fall from their sockets. "What? You can't race."

I shook my head, turning toward the cars again. I could hear the screams all the way from here, but they wouldn't last long. I had to hurry.

"I'm not amazing, but Kade taught me enough," I responded in a rush before Luke grabbed my wrist.

I yanked it from him, then jerked around with a glare. "Luke, there's no time for this shit. You and Levi can't race, and no one else can be trusted to. I'm the only option we have right now." When he tried to reach for me again, I jerked my arm away, glowering at him. We didn't have time for this. "Luke. You either shut the fuck up, and help me do this, or you shut the fuck up, and get the hell out of my way. Either way, you're going to shut the fuck up, and I'm going to do this. We don't have a choice right now."

Lukes' eyes fell as he pondered over my words. I saw the wind move with it as he blew out a frustrated breath."What in the hell am I doing?" With a curse, he ran a hand through his hair.

I felt his grip tighten as he pulled us back into the building. "Come on." I shuffled along, my breath caught in my throat. But, I didn't have time to be nervous right now. "We're going to find you a helmet so that no one suspects it's not Kade. The windows are tinted so you should be fine."

My head bobbed on its own as we continued on. I wasn't sure how long we walked until we were in another room.

It was small, but every square inch was occupied with something. Helmets, gloves, jackets, spare car parts and oil, old tires, tools.

Luke continued to murmur under his breath as he knelt to rummage through the mess. Finally, he raised himself, turning toward me with full hands. I stepped closer to him as soon as he motioned for me.

I situated the helmet once it was on. "Kade's going to fucking murder us," he hissed as he tightened it around my head.

"We have no other choice," I responded.

Luke handed me my gloves. It may have been a coincidence, but the design was the same as Kade's, just in my size.

"He had them made for you," Luke mumbled the answer to my curiosity, snapping the clasp shut. I swallowed past the thick lump of emotions. He shoved a jacket that was far too big for me into my arms, but I accepted it anyway.

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