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I am so very sorry for the long wait. Between writers' block, school, clubs, and family bs, it was difficult to fit a chapter in. I do apologize from the bottom of my heart! And, thank you guys for the support!

poopmr made the top character aesthetics! Thank you so very much.

Enjoy the chapter!🤍

"Some people are worth melting for." —-Olaf.


Chapter 51

The rest of the day had changed into something else, for sure. Our peers continued to eye us with curiosity, their necks about breaking every single time Kade and I passed them. Whenever they caught Kade's eye though, they'd turn away so quick, I'd forget they were even staring at first. The whispers I'd experienced were long gone to my ear, as well. I guessed his threat had worked.

We stopped at my locker first. After shoving my bag inside of the space, I groaned at myself. I forgot my AP bio textbook inside. As much as I struggled getting the bag inside, this would surely be an event.

Kade stepped closer with a chuckle. "I got it." Before I could move away from the locker, his strong arm gripped my waist with a firm hold, yet it felt as if he were handling a small baby bird. Gentle.

I smiled with gratitude. "Thanks." My colors began to warm the longer his arm remained around me.

His smirk was loud as he pulled the book out with nearly no effort at all. "Anything to see your face so red."

I rolled my eyes at him. "My face has been red all day." I nodded towards our peers, who had went back to glancing at me now that Kade was turned away.

He didn't even glance in their direction. "I meant anything to see your face red because of me. Not because of these spineless motherfuckers who are too busy looking into our lives to be focused on their own."

I felt a small laugh escape my throat. "That's one way to put it." He zipped my bag, then shut my locker. 

He turned to me. "Yeah, and another way to shove it right up their nosy asses," he teased, his pink lips finally rising to show something other than a scowl.

I laughed at his words, my eyes falling down to my sneakers as I waited for the blush to fade. "You're ridiculous."

As my laughter died, I raised my eyes to him. His own were already on me.

I tilted my head at him, my smile still in tact. "What?"

"Your laugh," was all he said.

My eyebrow raised. "What about it?"

"It's beautiful," he said to me.

My head tilted. "So is your smile." The only person I'd seen him smile at was me, I believed. It was one of my favorite things, no matter how rare it was. I knew the angels in heaven were singing every single time he showed it.

Kade rolled his eyes at this. I frowned. "It is."

I went to grab my books from his hands, but he held it in a grip that was impossible to escape. "I got it."

I went to argue, but something behind him distracted me. Two things actually.

Carter and Levi seemed to be in an intense conversation. By their matching scowls, and tightened fists, I knew that something bad was bound to carry out.

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