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An update will be here either tomorrow or Monday ❤️ Thanks so much for 44K, you're all the best! Enjoy🤍

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." —Robert Frost


Chapter 39

The feeling of confidence still hadn't subsided. Between the principles audible scolding, and Amber's obnoxious attempts at defending herself, the drumming of my adrenaline led heartbeat couldn't be denied.

"And, you!" The principle's disappointment was shown as he looked me in the eye. "You haven't even been here for a year, yet you decide to create a mark on your future!" He glared at me, eyes squinted.

My future? He was acting as if one fight doomed me to ultimate failure.

He straightened his tie with a huff, then took a seat, hands clasped as he set eyes on us both. "Now, tell me what happened."

"Sir, I—" I began before Amber cut in to defend herself.

"It was Kimberly's fault. I was trying to head to class, before she stopped me in the hallway, going on and on about how Kade was hers. And, I hate to mention the threats she threw my way," she sprouted off. Even a fool would have to be under strong manipulation to believe her.

I was sure my eyeballs were close to falling from their sockets. I gripped the edges of my seat, leaning forward. "She's was her that confronted me about Kade, who I have no relations with."

Amber's anger blinded eyes glared back into mine. "That's not true! I—"

Mr. Collision raised a hand, Amber's lips shutting in surprise. "I'm positive that you both are no longer kindergartens, so I am sure that you two should have the manners to let the other talk."

He nodded at me to confirm my story, in which I did my best to do.

"I was in the bathroom when she started to follow me. She was upset about Kade and I's past relationship, which no longer even exists. I guess she wanted some type of revenge, because once we came to the hallway, she began to yell and say things that I would rather keep to myself—"

Amber stood, feet hitting the ground as if she were a toddler. "I would never do that—"

Mr. Collisions' lips pursed at her outburst. "Miss Patterson, I'm very aware of your assault history with most of the female students here, and it's enough to involve the law, if needed. Now, sit down in your seat and let Kimberly speak." Pertinaciously, Amber sat down.

"That was when Kade stepped in..." I glanced out the corner of my eye at the pale Amber. "He tried to make her leave me alone, since it seemed he was the first to notice the commotion. I guessed he knew of her physical intentions, because after she was finished talking, she put her hands on me. Even though I knew I should've been the bigger person, I couldn't hold myself from hitting her back." Not true in the slightest, if I would have had longer, I would have enjoyed smacking her up again.

Mr. Collision sighed, running a hand over his face. "You're right, you should've been the bigger person. You do know of the marks this will have on your college choices, and history, right?"

I refrained from rolling my eyes but nodded instead. "Yes, sir." Now that I had time to reflect, I did fear the consequences my father would endure with Teresa in his ear.

Amber cleared her throat, head perched sideways on a clenched fist. "Is it my turn yet?"

"Yes, with no interruptions," Mr. Collision flickered his eyes my way, before returning to Amber.

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