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Hope you guys enjoy it! I have tests up until after the 13th, then I should be back with more updates! Thanks for reading! 🤍

"I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars."— Og Mandino

Chapter 42

I squeezed my eyes shut as the water continued to elevate. I didn't know how long I sat in the bathtub, the different possibles of tonight sinking me down.

To say I was nervous, was an understatement. Disquieted? Nerve-racked? Perhaps, fearful. It seemed that none of these could even barely constru my true feelings of the situation.

I had a plan. Though, I really didn't know why. My plans weren't always the correct solution, but maybe, just maybe, this time would be different.

I wanted to imagine that this would be like a romance film. That I would be the girl in a beautiful dress, my hand gripping the staircase as I walked down to my charismatic date.

"Reality," I murmured, rolling my eyes at myself. "Stay in reality."

After what felt like hours, I stood up in the bathtub. The wave of cool air hit my body like a storm, and I quickly left the bathroom.

I decided on a regular tee, along with a pair of jeans. I found myself questioning my appearance, before I decided that it satisfied me, so it should do the same for him. It wasn't like we were going on a date; we were friends.

I sighed as I glanced at my phone for the millionth time tonight. I expected to be more worried about tonight with Kade, but instead, my anxiety peaked at the thought of Raven being hurt.

My calls were either directed to her voicemail, or completely ignored. My texts were the same, but the amount of messages I left voiced my worry. Maybe she would answer soon, but if not, then I could just drop by her place.

I breathed out another sigh as I swiped out of her contact. I had very few contacts, but the ones I did have, were all scattered close. It was no surprise that Kade's contact was only a couple away from Ravens.

I glared at the phone. "Thanks for the reminder." I drew out a long breath, before flopping back into my bed with my arms stretched above my head.

I glanced at my phone's time. It read seven-o-clock. Only an hour away from Kade's suggested time.

'He might be out to kill you' I tormented myself as I thought out tonight.

"He's not a murderer," I murmured for my own comfort. But, he definitely had the hands for one. The way he fought that night at the cages, the man could definitely defend himself.

With a clouded mind, I smothered myself with the pillow.

The torment was strong. Slowly, the time continued to slip from my fingers, much like grains of sand. One minute, turned into ten minutes. Ten minutes turned into an hour. An hour turned into two hours.

At this point, I was hanging from the edge. My fingers were slipping off of the building, and I felt myself anxious. More than before, if possible.

I stared at my phone. The time now read nine-o-clock. I was almost positive that the clock was against me in this.

When the zero transitioned into a one, my eye twitched. I gripped the decade-old phone in my hand, the frail metal trembling underneath my hands. My lips pursed as my anger grew.

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