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"I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more." – Angelita Lim


Chapter 88

When Luke and Levi told me of his state, I underestimated them. It was far worse than I could never ever expected. I'd never seen this version of Kade before.

His blood-smeared fists shielded his bruised face as his opponent slammed hit after hit into him. His skin was already beginning to bruise up, the leftover blood disguising some of the damage. I saw the cuts that lined the contours of his face, as well as his busted lip and swollen eye. His steps were slow, and sloppy-even I knew that.

The man was nothing compared to the ones he fought; Kade could have knocked him out if he wanted to. But, this Kade wasn't the one I knew from all the other matches.

I gasped as his head snapped to the side from his opponents right hook. Kade's expression didn't even change, as if he didn't even feel the hit. I watched him spit the blood out, barely missing the other fighters' foot.

From here, I could see his darkened eyes. His face remained stone cold as he managed to dodge a hit from the man.

My blood froze as I turned to Luke, who was pacing in his spot. "What do we do?"

Luke blew out a harsh breath before cursing. "We have to wait for this round to be over. I'll tell him you're here, and he'll get his shit together. If he can stop being so goddamned stupid, and just beat this son of a bitch." Both of our heads snapped forward at the collision.

Either side of the building roared into boos as the opponent slammed Kade to the ground. I grimaced at the impact, silently begging as I saw the air leave his lungs. My heart began to slam into my rib cage until it hurt as the man slammed his meaty fists into Kade.

I didn't even realize I was gripping Raven for support until I felt my nails dig into the skin of her arm. Slowly, I released my grip. Luke and I glanced at one another in a silent plea of desperation.

I saw Levi release Raven in the corner of my eye until he grew closer to the ring. His footsteps yielded before he slammed on the platform to get Kade's attention. I couldn't decipher his yelling, but by the urgency along his face, I knew he was just as wrecked as we were.

My fingers pinched down on the necklace tightly as I chewed on my lip. Even at the taste of blood, I didn't stop as I watched them. Whatever he said did alter Kade's route, though. If Levi had been a minute late, I wasn't sure if anything could have helped him.

His opponent grew predictable by Kade's slump form. I saw Kade note this as well, just before he grasped the man by the neck. My stomach fell to my knees as he slammed his opponent onto his back, his grip still around the man's throat. He used the back of his knees to pin the man underneath him as he slammed his fists into every possible bone along the man's face. I grasped my stomach as I heard the crunches of bone under bone.

"Shit," I hissed before I knew it.

Luke yelled something to his friend, but the blood rising in my ears made it impossible to decipher. He nodded toward me while his eyes remained on the stage. "I know. Imagine the bastard when he sees you."

My attention returned to the fight, which had escalated in the short time of the conversation. The fresh blood on top of the stage seemed to grow in batches as Kade continued on with his punches. The man remained in his position—in fact, I didn't think he was capable of moving any longer. The ref seemed to note this too as he lingered behind the two.

It All Started With a Diary On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara