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unicornsxpretty created the BEAUTIFUL new cover, thank you so much, honey!!! Enjoy🤍

"The heart wants what it wants. There's no logic to these things. You meet someone and you fall in love and that's that." – Woody Allen
Chapter 20

I felt my blood run cold, then slowly thaw into warm mush. I didn't know how to answer the question. My only guess was because Kade didn't quite scare me as badly as they did. I knew if I stood up once, then I wouldn't be able to do it twice. They would hurt me with their words, and possibly with their fists, and that was the last thing I wanted. It'd been this way for so long, I grew accustomed to it.

In the back of my head, I knew Kade wouldn't hurt me. I think I scared him as much as he did me, so maybe that was why I stood up to him but not the others.

"I'm not scared of you," the words slipped out.

Kade's dark hair fell over his eyes as he dropped his head, and he let it hang there. It seemed to only add to his attractive stature. 

"And, why aren't you scared of me?" he asked slowly, his tone formed in a threat. But, I wasn't frightened.

I wanted to pinch myself to make sure that this was actually happening. I couldn't move. It was as if his eyes were physically holding me down to the seat.

"Because, I know you won't hurt me."

"How do you know that I won't hurt you, sweetheart?"

I let my strands of hair fall to cover my flash. "Because, you haven't done it yet, Kade." I said that, didn't I? I did.

"Not physically, anyway," I mumbled under my breath.

His face switched between curious, then back to a blank canvas. He stepped closer, but I remained the same. "This is not some book, Kimberly. I'm not the protagonist here, I can't be. Don't waste your time, love." The curious part of my brain tried to imagine it, but I knew better. I was only here for my diary, not my delusions.

"Don't worry," I responded. "I'm not expecting any of that." Truthfully.

He stared at me, and I stared in return, both of our looks too intense for another being to intake. Our silence continued until unspoken words danced through one another's expression.

Being so close to him, it was doing something to me. Like a ward of mosquitoes had crawled inside of my body and went straight for my heart. Maybe that was why it was beginning to thump much harder against the cages restraining it.

Do I like to be near him?

"Let's start off as friends, okay?" I slowly said to him. I wanted to let this be for the sake of getting my diary back, but truthfully, I wasn't sure of anything. I wanted to beat my curiosity. To beat my...attraction to him by showing myself exactly why I shouldn't have it.

I knew that we were different from one another. But, in a way, that made me want to understand how alike we were, if even possible.

I had no idea why I was so eager to be near him, regardless of what he had in his possession. I knew that I was probably making a mistake being near him, but I would have to continue on if I wanted my diary back. We were going to argue, even if we were friends, but I had to find a way to work through it in order to play the part. Today I had opened up slowly, but surely. It seemed that doing things slowly worked best for the both of us.

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