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"Love is shown more in deeds than in words." Saint Ignatius


Chapter 93

Kade's gaze bore into mine as he stepped closer to me. I moved away, nearly attempting to mold my back into the build of the door.

Immediately, his expression grew cautious. He took that same step back. The small space between us was just as tense as it was before.

He was here. Like a genie was just waiting for the very moment I confessed my desires...he was right here.

I changed my mind; fate worked alone.

"What..." my throat was as dry as the Sahara dessert all of a sudden. I blinked so many times, my eyes began to ache.

I shut them, daring myself to push this image away. That's what it was, an image, a hallucination. This couldn't be real, because if it were...

Kade reached out for me once he saw my figure grow disquieted, before he retreated, again. Even after two months, it was a habit to console one another.

"Kade," I whispered, my fingers squeezing across the metal key until it hurt. "Why are you here? You can't be here."

He was flushed from my reaction. His red cheeks fell right into a frown as he examined me over. When he met my eyes again, his own flourished into both desperation and admiration, all at once.

"You said to wait until senior year is over," he said the words slowly, his chest dragging. "And, it's over."

"I didn't say that," I whispered against the truth.

But, I had. I never meant for him to take it literally though. Kade Ryder didn't chase, nor did he pursue anything or anyone that didn't pursue him first. Yet, here he was, proving that exact theory wrong.

His chest was rising and falling so quickly, it demanded bits of my attention, while the other belonged to his voice. "Three months, sweetheart. It's been three months, and I respected your wishes," he said, stepping closer. This time, I didn't move. "But, I'm done waiting. I know you're hesitant, but I stand by what I said. I'm going to earn you back."

My heart was surely setting a new record, at least a million beats per minute. If it got away, I might give out.

I turned, my sweaty fingers barely maintaining a grip around the key. "You have to go."

"That's kind of impossible, sweetheart," he murmured from behind me.

I turned again, my face falling. "What do you mean?"

I followed his gaze to the door next to us, the one I saw being filled earlier.

His full lips swung into a smile so bright, it was nearly habit to return it. "I'm your neighbor." He motioned toward the same door.

Just like that, I thought the carpet slipped from under me. I grasped at my wristlet as if it were a lifeline as I gaped at him. "What?" I shook my head as the dither threatened to submerge me. "No, you're have to leave."

Kade grimaced at my reaction, before he wiped it from his expression. "I can show you how serious I am about this. About us." He paused before adding, "And, you don't think I'm going to let you out of my sight when that fucker is still out there, do you?"

It was true; Daniel hadn't been caught, yet. But, I knew that alone possibly couldn't be his true intentions.

My face heated the longer he looked at me. It'd been two months since we directly spoke to one another, and it felt as if there was so much to say, but not enough time at all. It'd been around three ever since we were so open, so close.

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