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"The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace." — Mahatma Gandhi


Chapter 56


I wasn't sure how long the door rattled with that same force.

"Open the door or I will!" the voice belonged to a male, and a very, very angry one at that.

Somewhere in the midst of my fear, I felt the vibration of my phone against my leg. With shaky fingers, I yanked the phone from my pocket.

I didn't bother checking the name. "H-hello?"

"Kimberly?" Kade's voice answered back.

I clenched the phone tighter, shutting my eyes as the man's fingers squeezed the top of the door.

"Kade," I rushed out. "Someone's trying to get in. They started shaking the door, and I don't know..." My lips shut. I was far too shaken to continue.

There was no pause. If I weren't frozen with terror, I would have moved the phone away from my ear as I heard him curse.

"Kimberly, where are you?"

I swiped my tears. "I'm at Jax's soccer game, I-I went to the bathroom alone and—"

I heard the revving of an engine in the background. "Levi didn't come with you?" he exclaimed before rushing out a raging breath. "Shit, you were supposed to go home, Kimberly!"

I squeezed the phone tighter. "I know! I'm just..." I palmed my burning forehead "I'm scared, Kade."

"I know," he muttered into the phone. "I know, baby."

"I'm driving as fast as I can to you," he reassured, words almost jumbled. "Don't move."

I couldn't say anything. In that moment, I regretted even considering this game. As badly as I wanted it, I couldn't be the normal my friends wanted right now. Not without endangering myself, or someone else.

Somewhere in the squall, I realized.


"Kimberly," Kade said my name with an urgency.

I blinked past my tears to look up; the hand was gone. "They...they stopped."

"Kimberly, don't you dare step out of that stall," he demanded. "I texted Levi, he's header straight to you."

I said nothing. I didn't even think I was capable of doing so.

I wasn't sure how long I sat in that same spot. I felt like a turtle hiding in its shell, praying that the danger would clear.

"I'm gonna kill him," Kade mumbled through the phone. "I'm going to rip his tongue from his fucking throat. He should have never left you alone."

I shook my head, though I knew he couldn't see it. "No, was my fault. I should have never went out knowing the dangers. I just didn't think that anything would happen in such a public place."

"They don't care where you are."

I sighed, laying my forehead against the sweaty palm of my hand. My body jumped when I heard the slamming of the bathroom door.

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