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"You can't blame gravity for falling in love."— Albert Einstein

Chapter 41

"Raven!" I exclaimed.

She looked back at me, her shoulders raising then dropping as if she were doing something normal. "Hush, before someone hears us!" As if she didn't just break a window.

"Who cares if someone hears us? We're going to jail, anyway!" I shout-whispered.

"Hand me the spray paint," she requested, hand out.

I shook my head, my hair slapping me in the face. "No, hell no, I won't have any part in this, Raven!"

"Whose car is this?!" I yelled, at the same time her bat smashed along the drivers door.

I scooted back as she walked next to me, her hands releasing the bat. "Levi's, duh." I gulped as she grabbed the spray can from the trunk.

"But...why?!" I shouted, before I cursed at how loud I was being.

My heart pumped harder as she opened the car door.

She looked back at me, her crazed eyes visible through the night. "Have you ever heard of that song 'I'm Gonna Show You Crazy' because I guess that describes why I'm doing this."

I glared at her, my feet stomping against the pavement like a toddler. "Are you serious? Raven, this isn't some freaking Bebe song, or some book! This is reality, and reality means jail time!"

For a minute, I thought she listened. I thought that my words sort of clicked through her head, but then I remembered...

It was Raven.

"I'm willing to take those chances," she chuckled, running a hand through her wild hair.

"Raven...Raven, no!" I shouted as she grabbed her bat, again.

"Come on! One window, live a little," she pleaded, placing the bat in my hands.

I shook my head as hard as I could. "I've already done enough living in my seventeen years! And, it's kept me alive, and out of jail, so I don't—we don't need this." I tried to pass the baseball bat back into her hands.

She transferred it back into mine, her eyes searching my face for any breaking point. "You see that car over there?" She pointed to the sleek red sports car. I nodded, I wasn't blind.

"It's her car!" she threw at me, resembling a wild animal. "It's Natasha's fucking car!"

I glanced at the car again, my eyes wide in shock. Suddenly, I connected the dots.

"Levi, and Natasha...they're—" I began before I realized it.

Her head bobbed. "See! Now, I'm going to beat the shit out of her car, before I get to her. You can either stand there, or you can help," she paused to point at Natasha's car. "But, helping's a whole of a lot more fun."

Adrenaline? Drunk? Drugs, maybe.

At my frozen statue, Raven sighed. "Don't you think it's time for people like her to pay? People like them that think they run the school? Our lives!" I refrained myself from mentioning that she had been that way before we met, but I bit my tongue.

"I don't know," I trailed off, wrapping my arms around myself in self-comfort.

"Just one streak of paint, Kimberly! C'mon," she pleaded.

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