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Enjoy 🤍.

"Friendship is another word for love." – Unknown

Chapter 66

As soon as Kade and I left, I came to Raven's house. Her, Maggie, and Jax were there to say goodbye. According to Jax, a text message wasn't enough.

Right now, Kade was at Luke's house with Levi, but he'd be back to pick me up in the morning. Then, we would head straight to the airport.

I blinked in confusion as Raven gripped the back of my head, rocking me into her chest. "I'm going to miss you."

"I know, hun." I laughed, patting her back in return. "Why are you guys acting like I'm leaving the country?"

As soon as I arrived, the three ambushed me with hugs and kisses. After today, I welcomed the love. I didn't know what I'd do without it. Even though the three of them drove me insane most days, they had no idea how much the thought of them helped me with my attack.

Currently, we were in the kitchen. Since my birthday would pass over the trip, Jax baked a cake for me, which him and Maggie argued obsessively over beforehand, according to Raven. Maggie thought I liked chocolate; Jax claimed I loved vanilla. They'd bought me so many presents, I still hadn't got to them all, yet.

Maggie took a piece straight from the cake, waving the tipped fork at me with a chuckle. "Because you and lover boy might be planning something. Something big." Even though she wasn't a fan of Kade, she agreed to be respectful. He did the same. It didn't stop the glares from one another, though.

Raven finally dropped her hands from her face, her eyes wide. "Like leaving the country."

Jax turned around from the open fridge, pointing at me. "Or getting hitched."

The three of them nodded collectively on their crazy theories. I rolled my eyes as I took a bite out of the cake. The rich chocolate frosting was a blessing to my mouth. 

"See," Raven chuckled, taking a sip from her water that was really vodka. "But, we know what probably will be happening." I didn't like the way her eyebrows moved after that. It was always used when she was planning trouble.

My movements paused as I glanced around the table, carefully. My gaze caught Maggie's first. "What in the hell have you three been up to?"

Maggie chuckled, rolling her eyes. "Don't ask me, babe." She threw a head flick toward Raven and Jax. "These two are the sluts of the group."

I stared at Jax and Raven in confusion. The both of them glanced at one another before Jax finally groaned, shutting the refrigerator door.

Planting his hands on the table I was sitting at with the girls, he leaned in until the very tips of our noses grazed.

"You're gonna get your back broken on vacation, babe," he said, eyes wide with seriousness. "I'm so jealous."

"Right." Raven pretended to fan herself as she stood from her stool, whistling a cat call. "If Levi heard this, he'd kill me, but damn, those three boys in the evil trio are a walking sin." Apparently, she'd started to regularly use the name Maggie created for the boys, too.

"We can definitely leave one of those out," Maggie snorted.


"The mayor's spoiled little bastard," she shrugged, disgust striking her features. "Luke Vaudest. You know you're terrible if just saying your name makes me want to throw up."

Raven chuckled at her. "Come on, you have to admit. The name is attractive—"

My cheeks reddened once I finally got caught up. "Wait..." I placed my fork down to stare at all three of them. "You think that Kade and I are gonna..."

Jax crossed his arms as he leant away from me. "Fuck? Of course." Raven nodded at my side.

"I'm not in this." Maggie stood up as if she were going to be sick. "I refuse to be in this." As she walked away, I noticed the color flooding her cheeks. I wondered if she was thinking about Luke.

Ever since Raven and I found out about their kiss, Maggie hadn't brought it up. She didn't even know that we knew. As badly as Raven wanted to bring it up, I talked her down. Maybe it was just a one time thing with Maggie and Luke, but either way, I didn't want to push Maggie for details that weren't our business.

"Come on!" Raven clapped her hands together with an excited grin. "Didn't you say he ate you out like he was a freaking sniper?"

I buried my face in my hands as I groaned. "I should have never told you guys about it."

Just the thought of it, though, had my stomach turning tricks all over again. Heat flourished through my stomach, and even lower until it settled into an ache. I couldn't stop myself from wanting him as much as possible, and a part of me was curious if it included this, as well.

I was pretty sure it did.

When I lifted my eyes, all I saw was a flash. Jax came to my side of the table then Raven followed to my other. I was trapped.

"I've thought about it," I admitted, quietly, my cheeks warm.

Raven's grin grew as she nodded, before her grin relaxed into a smile. She placed a hand on mine, turning it over to squeeze. "Are you sure you're comfortable and ready, though? There's no rush or anything, of course. It's all about you and what you want to do."

My mind calmed around her reassurance, and took it with appreciation. Truthfully, I never thought I'd even like looking at my reflection once upon a time, but here I was. I was comfortable with myself, and even more so with Kade.

Especially with the way he touched me. I wanted more of it, yet all of him. I didn't know how to approach it with him, though.

I glanced up to Jax and Raven, who were waiting patiently. When I nodded, they both nearly broke their jaws grinning so hard, and it earned my laughter.

"Wait, though, are you ready? Because birthday sex is fantastic," Jax stated as he turned me to face him. "And, the moves that man probably has? Trust me, babe. With the way he looks at you, you're definitely in for a long, fucking fantastic night. Play your cards right, and you'll be getting a brand new car the next morning."

"Have you ever listened to Cupcake? If not, do on the way there. I'm telling you, she's like a YouTube tutorial." Raven and Jax clasped hands as they bounced with excitement. The two turned to me. "Details. Don't forget the details, too."

As the two continued on, I searched my brain for any questions I might have. They both made me really comfortable talking about it, so I knew I could ask them, without having any shame.

As I said, ever since the night in my bedroom, I did dream about going farther. Literally. If he made me feel the way he did that night, I was definitely in. I trusted him with my mind, body, and soul, and I wanted to share something else with him.

I didn't know if I'd go a good job, but I figured I could try my hardest to learn a couple of things to turn the night better for us both. I couldn't wait to see his reaction when I did. Just the thought of it made that ache intensity into something I couldn't ignore.

I gnawed at my cheek as my thoughts raced. Finally, I glanced up to the two giddy idiots in front of me. "Give me tips."

It All Started With a Diary Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora