2. "Bitch."

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For those of you who may be curious, 'Gillian' is pronounced like "Jillian". It's just a different spelling.


Gillian's POV

"Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in...?" Our history teacher trails off, expecting us to answer the question.

"Hmm? Does anyone know the answer?"

The class remains silent, some of them sleeping with their arms folded on top of their desk.

"Come on, guys. I know that you know the answer." Our teacher speaks up once again.

One quick glance at the analog clock hung on the wall behind her head notifies my brain of the information that we have two minutes left of this class.

My mood immediately perks up at this information.

"If someone knew the answer, they would have already answered the question." Courtney groans out with an annoyed tone of voice.

I turn to face my best friend only to notice that she has her cellphone out on her desk, her thumbs flying against the screen as if she were texting someone.

Seriously, Court?

"Well, Miss Carmichael." Our history teacher plasters on a large smile.

"Since you seem to know so much about your fellow classmates, why don't you answer the question for them?"

Courtney scoffs at our teacher's request, glancing up from her cellphone screen at the teacher in question.

"I'd rather stab myself in the chest with a rusty knife than answer for these mouth breathers."

"Courtney!" I scold her.

She went way too far with that response.

Before our teacher gets the chance to respond to Courtney's cruel comment about our own classmates, she is interrupted by the lunch bell going off.

The honey haired girl does not waste a second more as she uncrosses her legs and slides out of her desk, grabbing my wrist and dragging me behind her.

I struggle to grab all of my supplies before Courtney drags me away from my desk.

It could be a miscommunication due most of our classmates whispering about Courtney's comment, but I swear that I hear our teacher mutter 'bitch' underneath her breath.

She continues to drag me behind her until I inevitably catch up with her in the hallway.

"You shouldn't have said that about them." I tell her.

My best friend turns to face me with a weird look on her face.

"At least I had the guts to say it to their face, I could have very well said it behind their backs." She says, not understanding what I am trying to tell her.

I give my best friend an incredulous look.

"That's not the point, Court.You shouldn't have said it period."

"Why not?! It's not like they haven't heard it before."

"Because you saying things like that could make someone suicidal."

"If me telling someone the truth about themselves makes them suicidal then they have way bigger problems that they should be focusing on." The honey haired girl scoffs.

Ugh, this girl is dense sometimes.

Courtney pushes open the door to the cafeteria and holds it open for me. I place the palm of my hand against the door as well, the two of us entering the small room.

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