26. "You're Being Dramatic."

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Gillian's POV

"You're being overdramatic." I say.

"No, I'm not."

"Please, enlighten me. In what world is it normal to replace your girlfriend's photos of her and her best friend with photos of yourself?"

Courtney stops in the middle of replacing a photo of Moon and I at the state fair with one of the photos she took while we were hanging out.

"Please! They're not all of me."

"You didn't answer my question."

"Well, when your girlfriend is not only the person that you're dating but your best friend as well, it's kind of hard to see photos of her with another girl."

"Especially when I caught that same girl kissing you on multiple occasions." She adds, bitterness in her tone.

I laugh a little at her obvious jealousy before climbing off of my bed. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist, her body heat immediately warming me up. My tank top-clad chest presses up against her back which causes the blonde's breathing to noticeably falter.

"Come on, I told you that she was just joking." I remind her as I rest my chin on one of her delicate shoulders, the hair that has escaped her messy bun tickles my face.

"She just wanted to see if you would get jealous and unsurprisingly you did."

"How would you feel if you saw the love of your life kissing someone else?"

"I never kissed her."

"Same difference."

I roll my eyes, not wanting to argue with Courtney. Cour-tney would argue for weeks straight if it meant that she would be the victor by the end.

Her competitiveness even scared me sometimes.

I bury my face in her soft neck, pressing equally as soft kisses to the side of it.

"Do you want brownies?" I mutter quietly.

Her head tilts back a little which results in exposing more of her neck to me.

"Please." She begs.

Anything she wants, she gets.


Have you ever entered a room and felt like everyone was silently judging you?

Well, that is how I felt when I entered to cafeteria.

Numerous eyes look in my direction.

Some of them are fleeting, but others are full on stares.

My eyes briefly scan over the crowded cafeteria before landing on a random girl who is whispering to her friend, her eyes staring straight in my direction. I presume that they are talking about me and my assumption appears to be correct when the friend that she is gossiping to turns to stare at me as well. I do not miss the way that her friend's eyes size me up and down with distaste.

My heart begins to speed up in my chest as panic begins to settle into my body.

They're staring at me...they're all staring at me.

"Hey," a soft voice interrupts me from my mini freak out. I feel the person place one of their soft hands on my shoulder at the same time the greeting leaves their lips.

"Talk to me, Gill."

I finally build up enough courage to break my gaze away from the large room of students, my brown irises connecting with a pair of familiar sapphire blue ones.

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