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Courtney's POV

A Year Later

"Mommy!" My son Gianni yells happily as he runs to me.

I kneel down to the ground so that I am closer to his height, holding my arms open for his tackle.

The short five year old crashes into my body, his small arms going around my neck. I wrap my arms around his small body, standing up with him in my arms. My heart swells at the sight of the small boy.

Gianni has short fluffy chocolate brown hair, his natural hair having beautiful curls. His eyes are a lighter brown, bordering hazel. And my favorite part of him, his cheeks. He has the cutest, chubbiest, baby cheeks ever.

Currently his cheeks and his nose are frost-bitten, both body parts being painted pink from the below freezing temperatures.

I can't believe they still allowed school to happen today!

"Hey, bud!" I whisper into his soft hair.

Call it a mother thing, but he smells like home to me. If I'm having a bad day all I have to do is breathe in his scent and my day is already a million times better.

I don't know where my life would have ended up if I ended up passing on my son or choosing not adopt at all. But I am glad that I went through with it because he is the light of my life.


"How was school?" I ask as I begin to walk towards the parking lot, waving to the teacher who is standing outside with the rest of the children.

He removes his face from my neck, his pink snow-bitten cheeks now visible to my eyes.

"It was amazing!" He expresses animatedly, a large cloud of smoke exiting his small mouth.

I pick up my speed a little, hoping to get him to some warmth as soon as I possibly can.

"Really?!" I try my best to match his youthful energy, careful not slip on the icy pavement.

"Yeah! Ms. Lucy played 'The Grinch That Stole Christmas' and- and we drank hot chocolate and- and ate cookies and- and candy canes." He lists off, more smoke coming from his mouth due to the singular digit weather.

"Wow! You had quite the day mister!" I say placing him down beside the car as I look for the car keys in my pocket.

Mere moments go by when a cold gust of wind whips past us causing Gianni to hold onto one of my legs.

"Mommy, it's cold." He whines with obvious discomfort.

I physically feel my heart break in my chest, not liking the sound of my baby being in pain.

Finally finding the key, I unlock the car and pull the door to the backseat open. Moving quickly, I take Gianni in my arms and lift him into his car seat. I make sure that he is securely buckled before closing the door and jogging around the car.

In less than a minute I am sitting in the Driver's seat, fully buckled, with the heat blasting.


Though it takes a few minutes, I am successfully able to unlock the front door to the house with one hand.

I am careful not to drop the kindergartner as I balance a sleeping Gianni in my arm, his tiny backpack in my other hand. I am praying to every god and spirit above that I do not drop my son when a sudden voice interrupts me.

"Whoa! Stop, let me help you." The person says without room for argument, coming up to me from our staircase.

"Please." I whisper, frightened.

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