20. "More Important Obligations?!"

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Ignore the fact that this is a week late.


Gillian's POV

"Here's your heated blanket." I say as I hold the large gift bag out to Moon.

The brunette turns to face me, a massive smile making its way onto her face when she spots the large bag in my hands.

I place the bag on the top of the library table that she is currently sat at as my arms are beginning to get tired from the blanket's weight.

"Thank you, Gillian!" She squeaks with excitement.

I shake my head.

"It's no problem, believe me." I assure her as I take a seat in the empty chair beside her.

"Now, where are we regarding the final draft of the yearbook?"


The sound of the heavy library doors opening grabs my attention. Glancing over towards the door, an involuntary smile immediately makes its way onto my face at the sight of Courtney.

"Hey, sorry I'll just be a second." I inform her as I continue to scan the library books that were checked in today.

The blonde waves me off before hopping up onto the counter and turning her body to face me. This is followed by the sound of her backpack dropping to the floor.

"You're perfect."

"Why do you keep saying that?" I question curiously.

The blonde-haired girl shrugs her shoulders.

"Because it's true." She soon answers.

"Believe me, I'm not perfect, Courtney."

I hear her mumble something along the line of 'you are to me.' I decide not to question this further as I am beginning to feel embarrassment consume my being.

"You're such a weirdo."

"Yeah, a weirdo that's buying your lunch. Now, hurry up." She says with a half joking half serious tone of voice.


"Gillian Anderson?" My guidance counselor calls as as she enters the lobby of the room.

I smile at the woman, standing from my seated position on the less than comfortable couch. My feet start to make their way towards her, soon inevitably following her as she begins to lead me past the check in desk and towards her office.

I have been meaning to meet with my guidance counselor for over a month now, but due to all of the drama with Courtney and I it had been long forgotten.

As the older lady and I enter her office she stops at her office door whilst I make my way over to the wooden chair that sits in front of her large desk. The sound of her office door shutting is heard before she makes her way behind her desk.

"So, what brings you in here today, Gillian?" She asks with a large smile.

I smile back at her.

"Hi, I was hoping that we could go over my grades and confirm whether they're adequate enough for me to graduate a month early like we originally planned."

"Let's see, shall we?" The rhetorical question falls from her mouth.

I nod my head nonetheless.

My eyes remain on her, watching as she turn towards the desktop computer to her right and begins to type furiously on the loud keyboard.

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