9. "Leave Me Alone, Fuckface!"

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This chapter may pull at you heartstrings a bit.

Sorry that this chapter is a bit late.

I hope that you enjoy it nonetheless!!


Gillian's POV

It is day ten of Courtney's disappearance.

No one has heard a word, a peep, an insult...nothing.

For all we know, her body could be lying in a ditch somewhere.

I close the door to my locker and turn to walk in the direction of my first period only to immediately stop in my spot from the sight before me.

Is that who I think it is?

My legs are on autopilot as they walk towards the couple that is heavily making out a few lockers down from mine.

The large blonde-haired male has a short girl with light ginger hair pinned roughly against the cold metal of the lockers, the front of his body flush against hers.

He appears to be near six feet tall whilst she appears to be around five foot two.

Their size comparison is practically comical.

The closer I get to them, the more I realize what the fuck is going on.

This fucking man-whore!

All logic leaving my body, I use all of my strength to push the large male away from the short girl.

He stumbles back from her due to him being caught off guard.

"Ouch!" The girl squeaks out.

"You bit my lip!"

He ignores her completely, instead staring straight in my direction. It takes a few seconds, but a look of recognition soon presents itself in his lustful irises.

"What the fuck, Gillian?!" Noel roars at me.

I do not react to the loud voice due to me being used to him yelling unnecessarily, whether that be at me or someone else.

Unfortunately for me however, his loud voice attracts a small crowd of people.

Welp, there goes me being invisible this school year.

"I should be asking you that!" I try to match his tone, but my voice comes out weaker in comparison.

"What are you talking about?!" He continues to yell.

Okay, dramatic much.

"Courtney, your girlfriend?"

"Does the name ring any bells in that pea you call a fucking brain?!" As soon as the elementary level insult exits my mouth there are a series of oh's and ahh's that exit the crowd around us.

Noel rolls his eyes, appearing annoyed by my question.

"What about her?"

I think that all of those head injuries from football are finally catching to him.

"Uh, you're cheating on her!" I exclaim.

Noel scoffs as he takes a step closer to me. His body towers over mine in a way that I presume is supposed to be intimidating, but the stench coming from his mouth ruins any plans of that.

"I never cheated on that self-obsessed bitch." He hisses out.

"She ghosted me, so I moved on."

Ugh, this asshole!

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