8. "What Has It Been...A Year?"

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This chapter is an eventful one to say the least.


Courtney's POV

Tears of pain fall from my sapphire eyes as I stare at the large laceration on my right knee.

"My goodness! What happened?!" The school nurse questions.

I can tell by the concerned look on her face that she has never seen an injury like this on a kid my age before.

"We were playing on the monkey bars when Courtney fell and scraped her knee on a rock." Gillian explains to the nurse due to me being completely hysterical beside her.

Noticing this, Gill's hold on my hand tightens.

"Okay, her injury shouldn't be too severe."

"I'm just going to disinfect your cut and bandage you up, Courtney. Is that okay with you?" The nurse asks.

I glance over to Gillian, barely being able to see her through my tears.

The auburn-haired girl nods her head, urging me to turn to the nurse and nod mine.

With my consent, the nurse walked off to go gather her supplies.

"Wha- What if it scars?" My voices comes out weak and wobbly as I turn to face the brown-eyed girl.

"It won't scar." Gillian says with an assuring tone.

"Even if it does scar, at least you know that it healed."

The calmness of my best friend's demeanor, unbeknownst to me in this very moment, helps to calm me down. My tears soon ceasing only to leave a wet trail down each of my cheeks.

"But it'll look odd."

"Maybe, or maybe it'll look really cool."

I do not get the chance to respond due to the nurse appearing in front of us again.

"Are you ready, sweetheart?" She asks me.

I nod my head.

The feeling of my heart hammering against my chest only aids in increasing my level of fear.

I begin to become so scared by the mere thought of the nurse hurting me that I have to lay my head on Gillian's shoulder as a way to calm myself down, the scent of her birthday cake scented body mist wafting into my nose.

The nurse takes an alcoholic wipe and runs it over my knee. This helps to clean up any blood and dirt that may be trapped inside of the wound.

An intense burning sensation spreads throughout the entirety of my limb.

Tears threaten to spill from my eyes.

My leg shoots out from the pain, connecting with the nurse's clothed abdomen.

"Courtney!" Gillian's disapproving tone soon meets my ears.

I remain silent as I carefully watch the woman this time around.

I do not apologize to her.

Why should I? She is the one who hurt me.

Plus, I don't apologize.

Apologizing is for those who are weak of heart and emotion...I am not weak.

The nurse tosses the bloodied alcoholic pad in the garbage bin and retrieves a large bandaid from the pocket of her pants.

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