22. "Someone's Frustrated."

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Sort of a continuation of the last chapter.


Gillian's POV

Spotting the familiar blonde at her locker touching up her makeup, I immediately dart towards her.

At this very moment I am running on pure adrenaline.

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you Courtney?!" I firmly question as I approach the primping blonde.

It is in this moment that I am thankful for the halls being vacant, everyone else in their third period class.

"A lot." she replies dryly, continuing to primp.

"You're going to have to be more specific, babe."

I move so that I am leaning on the locker next to hers, getting a clear sight of the side of her face.

"Why would you make out with me in front of the entire school?!" I stress.

The blonde rolls her eyes at me, bringing a tube of clear lipgloss up to her cherry-stained lips.

"You're being dramatic,"

"It was, like, one hundred people at most."

"Answer the question, Courtney."

"I already did! After it happened actually." She mocks my voice at first before quickly dropping the voice.

"Okay, then why did you kiss me with something that you knew would transfer and stain?"

I do not miss the way that the corner of her lip turns upward at my question through her reflection in her locker mirror.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She says, finishing her sentence off with an entertained chuckle.

"Give me a fucking break, Courtney." I groan out.

She hums, staring at me through the reflection of her mirror, before finally turning to face me.

"Someone's frustrated." She teases with a sing song voice.

It takes everything in me to keep my eyes trained on hers and not her lips. Her soft, fruity tasting- stop that!

Unfortunately for me, Courtney does nothing to help my situation. The blonde presses the front of her body to mine, effortlessly slipping her leg in between mine. A soft moan falls from my lips at the feeling of the top of her thigh pressing up against the crotch of my leggings.

My hard exterior completely melts under her strong gaze.

"I can help you with that, you know." She whispers softly against my parted lips.

I swear that this girl gets pleasure from me being putty under her fingertips.

"Sure, when pigs fly."

The blonde shrugs, taking a step away from my very hot body. I welcome the cool air that meets my body with open arms.

"Your loss." She replies, sounding slightly disappointed.

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