19. "Whatever, Courtney."

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Here's an early Christmas present from me to you!


Gillian's POV

After Courtney dropped that bomb on me yesterday at the park and silently dropped me off at home things between us have been...well, silent.

I, personally, have been silent because what she said really hurt me.

I mean, I understand that she may not have recognized the park, but she could have expressed that without yelling at me. However, on the opposite hand, I did push her to remember this memory that she has since forgotten.

This I cannot blame her for.

I am in the midst of scanning autobiographical novels when the scent of a familiarly mature smelling perfume meets my nostrils.

"Oh my god, Gill! Guess what!" Courtney's eager tone meets my eardrums as she joins me behind the library checkout counter.

I do not tell her that she should not be back here seeing as the librarian is currently out at lunch, me being the only student in here before the blonde entered, and Courtney would not listen to me anyway.

"What?" My response comes out tired and monotone.

Courtney does not hear the tone behind my words as she hops up onto the counter, sitting beside the scanner that I am using to scan the books.

If she does realize that I am upset, she shows no knowledge of such on her face.

"This dorky sophomore girl just fell down the stairs and spilled her coffee all over her white shirt." The blonde giggles uncontrollably.

"Oh my god, you should've been there. It was so funny."

I hum as I continue to scan the stack of novels to my left, not finding Courtney's story funny.

What if something like that happened to me or her? She would be pissed. Yet when it happens to someone that she doesn't know, she laughs at their misfortune?

That's cruel.

I presume that my answer was not the one that Courtney was not looking for as her laughter quickly ceases.

"Okay, am I just a massive idiot or are you upset with me about something?" She suddenly asks.

Her tone sounds vaguely accusatory which does not sit well with me.

"I don't know, Courtney. Am I?" I mutter with a bored tone, keeping my eyes directed at the stack of books in front of me.

"Watch your attitude." She snaps.

This sentence right here causes me to cease my task of scanning books and turn to face the pissed sapphire-eyed girl.

"You're one to talk." I fire back.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know, maybe the fact that you practically yelled at me and called me a child last night when I tried to do something nice for you."

A dramatically loud groan falls from the blonde's lips.

"You're upset with me because I didn't want to be in a stupid park?"

"Oh my god, it's not about the fucking park, Courtney!" I snap, officially losing my patience with her.

"It's about what the park represents to us, to our friendship."

The blonde rolls her eyes, a smaller groan emitting from her throat.

"I just don't understand why you're so hung up on a stupid park."

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