31. "You Look Different."

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I am so sorry that this chapter is so late!!!

I hope that you enjoy it<3

Lmao this took me forever to write.

Content Warning: Mentions Of Sexual Acts


Courtney's POV

"I was unable to find anything inherently wrong with your son during my research. He appears to be healthy to me." I inform the woman who is dressed in office attire, sitting across from me in one of the hard plastic chairs.

I glance up from my pink clipboard only to spot the woman giving the young boy one of the nastiest glares I have seen in my entire life. And believe me, that is saying a lot.

The woman's gaze softens as she turns to face me.

"I am so sorry for wasting your time, Dr. Carmichael." She apologizes.

I smile at the woman.

"It's completely okay! Kids do this sort of thing all of the time." I assure her.

"So, I'll pass the information on to the nurse and she'll discharge you. Do you have any questions?"

The woman shakes her head at my question, leading me to nod my head.

"Awesome! I hope that the two of you have a nice night." I give them one last cheek-aching grin before turning on my heel and exiting their hospital room.

My older coworker glances up from her computer monitor the moment that she senses movement happening in front of her. She watches me, an inquisitive look on her wrinkled face, as I close the hospital door behind me with a mildly annoyed huff of breath.

That is the tenth kid this week who has tried to get out of school by pretending to be sick.

"Another faker?" The older woman questions from behind the large grey information desk.

I nod my head, approaching her.

"If one more kid comes in here pretending to be sick in order to get out of a test, I swear that I am going to stab myself straight in the eye." I whisper to the lady, the hospital walls being insanely thin.

The older woman chuckles at my confession, her entire face lighting up with the action.

"That bad, huh?"

I nod my head.

"How many more 'sick' kids could there be today?" She says, reminding me that we leave in an hour.

My mood instantly brightens at this information.

An hour until I get to go home and two hours before I go on my first date in two decades.

I haven't been on a date since Gillian. Hell, the only reason I'm even going on this date is because my coworker and I made a stupid bet on whether a kid was actually going to be sick or if she was just faking it. I immediately knew that I lost the bet when the ten year old puked on my shoes mid examination.

My consequence was going on a date with her "loser cousin" who's visiting her for the weekend, her words not mine.

She already had plans with her boyfriend this weekend and didn't want her cousin home that night for...obvious reasons.

According to my coworker, her cousin is my age and is questioning her sexuality.

I presume that this date is going to go as well as a lesbian going on a date with a straight girl could possible go.

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