5. "Are You Wearing Underwear?"

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My apologies for the late chapter, I've been ridiculously swamped with school work all week.


Gillian's POV

I quickly swing the passenger door to Cassie's vehicle open only to be met with an...interesting...costume to say the least.

Cassie's hair is curled in large spiral curls that add to the element of being sexy. Sitting atop her overly-hairsprayed hair is a thick black headband that has two large black bunny ears attached to the top of it.

I can barely catch a glimpse of her eyes as they are covered in black eyeliner as well as a smoky black eyeshadow.

Her choice of clothing is very minimal as she is dressed in a padded, lacy push up bra in a marshmallow white color with a matching pair of underwear and a pair of black stilettos.

Honestly, she looks good.

I cannot help but think, is she not cold?

I glance up from the confusing costume in search of her eyes only to catch sight of a look of disgust resting on her tight facial features.

"Uh, what are you wearing?"

"What are you wearing?" I retort with significantly less disgust than she used.

Cassie makes an expression of that of someone who has been told that their mother was murdered by their best friend.

"I'm a playboy bunny. Duh!"

I furrow my eyebrows at her answer.

"A what?" I ask, climbing into the motor vehicle.

"I'm just going to pretend that I didn't hear you say that."

I ignore her remark, buckling my seatbelt and getting comfortable in my seat.

We have barely left my neighborhood when she begins to speak up once more.

"So...what's up with the nun costume Mother Theresa?" She asks.

I glance down at my black jeans with confusion.

Do I really look like a nun?

Due to me being limited on both time and money, I dressed in the first outfit that I could find. That outfit being a pair of black skinny jeans, a black tee, and a pair of black converse. Simple, I know.

I found that I had some left over fake blood and plastic vampire fangs from last year, therefore, I put them to great use. Applying the fake blood in the corner of my lip as well as on my neck in two red dots and shoving the sharp plastic into my mouth.

"I am a vampire, Cassie." I do not even try to hide the attitude from my tone.

With the newfound silence, my mind drifts off to previous Halloween's...most of which were spent with Courtney.

I watch as the honey-haired girl slowly yet thoroughly checks herself out in her full body mirror, her head tilted to the side as her sapphire irises focus in on the costume that she is wearing. The mirror in question is leaning against the outside of her bathroom door.

The sapphire-eyed girl is dressed in cherry red, skin tight leather jumpsuit that has pant legs that flare out around her ankles. Due to the jumpsuit having a zipper at the chest, Courtney has decided to unzip the costume enough so that her cleavage is present.

I think that it is important to note that Courtney's boobs are not nearly as big as she's trying to desperately make them appear. After all, she is the only person in our friend group who has not gone through puberty yet.

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