11. "Is This Seat Taken?"

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The absolute, most vicious mosquito decided to snack on my ankles and thighs yesterday and now I'm in immense pain.


Gillian's POV

I enter the doors of the school with an emotionless expression on my face, the same expression that I wear everyday.

Truthfully speaking, I really wanted to stay home today.

Unfortunately, my mental alarm clock had other ideas when it refused to let me fall back into my peaceful slumber.

If I were actually able to fall back to sleep then I would have one hundred percent skipped school today.

I stop in front of my locker, going to open the piece of metal, when I am roughly yanked away from it via someone's hand on my wrist.

What the hell?! It isn't even eight thirty in the morning yet!

In the midst of me being dragged I turn around so that I am now speed walking forward instead of backwards. Following the exposed arm that is attached to my own, my eyes soon connect with a girl that has curled honey-colored hair.


...I'd recognize that hair anywhere.

The honey-haired girl does not drag us far as she makes a left turn into the crowded commons area before making a right turn into the girls bathroom.

The sound of girls gossiping is heard echoing off of the walls.

The source of these echoes are soon revealed when we round the stone wall only to be met with sophomore and freshman girls who look like they have playing in their mother's makeup.

One of the girls, who I presume to be the leader of the group due to her being in the middle of the other girls, appears as if she has taken some style advice from Courtney. Unfortunately for her, she doesn't pull off Courtney's bold and flashy style as much as she thinks that she does.

While Courtney's face is more sharp and defined, the freshman's face is softer and rounder. She would look better in softer colors like pastels versus darker ones like black and maroon.

Each of the girl's minions notice Courtney one by one until eventually the leader does as well.

With all eyes now on Courtney, there isn't one jaw that isn't dropped with shock...except for mine, of course.

"Oh em gee." The leader gasps with a thick valley girl accent.

"Get out, losers!" Courtney yells at them after being blatantly stared at by a group of fourteen to sixteen year olds for nearly seven seconds straight.

A few of them jump from the loud voice before grabbing their bags and rushing out, all of them eventually doing so until only the leader is left.

"It's Courtney, right?" The underclassman pretends as if they do not know the girl.

"I'm Massie Miller, freshman class president and homecoming princess." The girl introduces with a large smile, holding her press-on manicured hand up.

I called it.

Courtney briefly glances down at her hand before taking another step forward.

"I said, get out." She says lowly.

The freshman girl scoffs and crosses her arms.

"You don't, like, own the bathroom or something."

The honey-haired girl releases her hold on my wrist as she takes another step closer to the child.

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