12. "And You're Supposed To Be The Smart One."

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This is a long one.

That's what she said.


Gillian's POV

"And I was like, 'ew no, those shoes are fucking ugly.'" Courtney fills me in on her conversation with Cassie from last night.

"Court, can you please not gossip about Cass behind her back? It's cruel." I state.

The honey-haired girl scoffs but chooses not to respond.

Well, at least it wasn't a 'no'.

The two of us enter the library, me going first and holding the door for Courtney.

As we enter said room, my eyes immediately drift over towards Moon. The coffee-haired girl seems to be in the middle of editing the lighting in one of the photos that I took of Courtney's class when she is interrupted by the sound of the heavy door closing behind both Courtney and I. The brunette quickly glances in our direction, a smile making its way onto her face when she sees me.

"Come here, I want to show you something." The yearbook editor says with a slight rasp.

Without a second thought, I rush over to her.

When I reach her, however, I choose to look over her shoulder, unknowingly leaning into her familiar warmth.

"What am I supposed to be looking at?" I ask after a few moments of silence.

She raises one of her hands to point at the teacher's less than impressed expression. She tells me to keep my eye on his face before double right-clicking with the mouse. This action causes a warped, Joker-like smile to appear on his face.

I am unable to hold back my laughter at the sight.

"Oh my god," I gasp.

"Court, come here. You have got to see this!" I express as I turn my head to face the pissed yet visually emotionless girl who is still stood near the library entrance doors.

With my eyes now on her, Courtney shifts her heated gaze from Moon to me.

"Can't. I'm late for class." Is all that she says before exiting through the same door that we entered through.


I shrug my shoulders before turning forward once more, my eyes meeting Moon's thoroughly intrigued facial expression due to her now facing me.

"So...you and Courtney Carmichael?" She questions with a singular raised eyebrow.

I furrow my eyebrows with confusion.

"What are you talking about?"

The brunette-haired girl gives me an 'are you serious' expression.

"Are you two fucking?" She deadpans.

"What?! No!" I spit out instantaneously.

"Courtney and I are just friends...well, more like acquaintances."

The relaxed hippie seems unconvinced.

"I feel like you're either lying to me or you just don't want to admit that you're into someone as high maintenance as Courtney."

"Courtney and I are not having sex with each other, Moon!" I stress with slightly wide eyes.

The coffee-haired girl slowly nods her head as she continues to stare up at me from her rolling computer chair.

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