4. "Gillian!"

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They're in their junior year of high school now.


Gillian's POV

"Gillian!" Someone yells out my name from afar.

I turn in the direction that the voice came from, actively searching for a familiar face until my eyes land on a jogging Cassie.

"Hey, Cass." I greet with a large smile as she approaches me.

"Hey," she quickly yet breathlessly greets back.

The two of us begin to walk once again, continuing the journey to the cafeteria.

"Have you seen Courtney today?" She asks.

I shake my head.

"No, I haven't seen her all day."

Cassie sighs, seeming genuinely concerned.

I do not understand why she's so worried about this.

Ever since we entered high school in our freshman year, Courtney has mostly been awol. It has gotten to the point where it is more common to see her outside of school than it is to see her inside of school.

Though Courtney is rarely here, she is still the most popular girl among our grade level.

I have tried asking her why she rarely comes to school in the past, but she has just brushed me off or changed the topic of conversation.

She's been doing this a lot the last three years.

Ever since that night in eighth grade when we watched one of the Vampire Cheerleader movies, things have been odd between us to say the least.

For the first time ever Courtney and I didn't speak to each other that entire weekend which put an even further strain on our friendship.

By the time the two of us went back to school, Courtney was now really close with Cassie.

She didn't hide the fact that she replaced me, as if I were a shattered lightbulb. If anything she flaunted the fact that her and Cassie were now the best of friends.

Though yes, I felt betrayed when I first saw this, essentially I just felt bad for Cassie.

I mean, Courtney has talked complete shit both to her face and behind her back yet when she's 'done' with me she decides to befriend that very same person that she talked shit about.

I cannot help but think, have they talked shit about me behind my back?

The option is not off of the table.

Over the years, Courtney has distanced herself further and further away from me to the point where the two of us barely ever speak.

Maybe once every few months?

Well, technically, Courtney will barely speak to me once every few months. Me, however, I have reached out to her on numerous occasions only to receive no response.

Whilst I genuinely want to believe that our friendship has just run its course, I cannot help but think that night in eighth grade was the catalyst for the way that Courtney has been acting.

If that night never happened and I just went home, or if we just watched a different movie, I wonder what would have happened?

Would Courtney and I still be best friends?

Would Courtney even talk to Cassie?

Would Courtney show up to school more often?

"Where are we sitting?" Cassie asks as we enter the cafeteria.

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