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You stayed cuddled up next to Tanjiro until he fell asleep. Creeping out of his bed, you motion for Zenitsu and Inosuke to follow you outside.

"Has that been happening often?" you ask, keeping your voice down.

Inosuke, still without his boar head, looked at Zenitsu and began to speak.
"Yea. The guy couldn't give a damn about his injuries but crying? He won't stop. Bug eyes was the greatest.." Inosuke teared up, "but he wouldn't want us crying all the time!" he finished, wiping his eyes.

"Right. Rengoku would want us to live our lives and fight harder, for him. He told us, 'If you are feeling disheartened that you are somehow not enough, set your heart ablaze.' " Zenitsu cut in, giving a sad smile.

"The late Mr. Rengoku sure does sound amazing." you gave a sad smile as well.

"He certainly was." Shinobou said, appearing out of thin air.

"M- miss Shinobou! Hello! I didn't see you there." you say, startled.

"That's alright, dear, I just popped in. What do we have going on here? I see our regulars have returned from a new mission but, where's Tanjiro?" she asked, tilting her head.

You, Zenitsu and Inosuke all look at each other and then Shinobou.

"Well ma'am, that's what we're out here for. Tanjiro is deeply saddened by the late Mr. Rengoku's death. I went to introduce myself and all he did was cry, so I held him until he fell asleep. I wanted to ask these two about it so I can help." you explained, rubbing your neck.

"I see. Zenitsu, Inosuke, you must be exhausted from your traveling - why don't you rest for a bit."

Zenitsu and Inosuke nod in unison, going back to bed.

"(Y/n), please follow me." Shinobou said as she began to walk away.

"Y- yes ma'am!" you replied as you scrambled to follow her.

"(Y/n), do you know anything about the hashira corps?" Shinobou asked.

"I've only heard it in name, ma'am. The only thing I know about the hashira corps is that you're a part of it."

"I see. Well, the late Kyojuro Rengoku was a harshira like me. He was the flame hashira and died fighting a very strong upper rank demon. He was a great man and Tanjiro, Inosuke and Zenitsu went with him on his mission and witnessed his death." she frowned.

Your eyes widened a bit but returned to their original form. "That's awful." you said.

"I've only heard the events through what the kakushi told me. That's all they could get from them." she stopped walking as she came to a door, opening it. "I think it's wonderful that you want to help but some things have a hold on people that they can't let go of. You're new, so don't push yourself."

"Thank you, ma'am! I won't."

"Perfect. Now, they've just arrived a little while ago so what should you do after they've finished resting?" Shinobou asked, pointer finger up.

"When they've finished resting I will help them change their clothes, wash their wounds, feed them, and then do laundry." you reply confidently.

You hear a faint giggle but no one was there. She went as quickly as she came.

As you walked the halls of the butterfly mansion, cleaning and chatting, you thought more about the three boys you were assigned to, wanting to help them in any way you could.
Talking to Aoi helped you get a grip on how each boy trained and how cooperative each one was with Tanjiro being the most and Zenitsu being the least. However, you saw it the other way around.

"Time to get them changed." you thought as you walked to their room. It has been about three hours since they went back to rest.

*Knock knock*

You knock on the door as you enter the room, all three of them waking up as you do.

"Sorry to wake you but I have to undress you and wash your wounds."

"ME FIRST! UNDRESS ME AND THEN I'LL UNDRESS YOU, K?" Zenitsu thrashed around again.

"U-uhm I can't do that, sorry." you say as you shake from Zenitsu startling you.

"Fiiiineee!" Zenitsu groans.

As you remove Zenitsu's haori and then his uniform, you have to get pretty close.

A bit too close.

Admittedly, your breasts were basically smothering him, and he loved every second of it.

Finally, you stripped him of everything expect his underwear and began looking at his wounds. He only had some bruises and scrapes so you gently scrubbed him down and helped him put on his new clothes. Afterwards, you did the same for Inosuke - who only had a few more bruises and scrapes than Zenitsu - and went to scrub Tanjiro.

"Are you ready, Tanjiro?!" you ask warmly with a smile.

"Yes." he replies.

As you did with Zenitsu and Inosuke, you basically suffocated Tanjiro as your chest was pressed against his face. Tanjiro would never admit it but, you smelled nice and the warmth and comfort he felt being smothered by you made his broken heart feel repairable.

As you stripped him down to where he only had paints on, you noticed it: his stab wound.

"Oh my gosh, Tanjiro! This looks super painful. How are you feeling right now?!" you ask, examining his wound.

"I- It's alright, right now. It hurt a bit earlier though." he said, grazing over your hand that was placed on his wound.

"The Kakushi did what they could to patch it up but this is going to take a while to heal." you say as you grab a fresh cloth and clean, soapy water from a bowl. You began scrubbing Tanjiro down and making sure to really clean the wound well as he started to wince.

"Sorry, I know it hurts. Luckily you don't need stitches." you say with intense focus.

"I- it's alright."

"There we go, nice and fresh!" you smile as you finish cleaning the wound and start to patch him up. "Now I've gotta move on to the rest of you." you say as you begin to search his back.

"I've probably got some bruising there. I fell off the train as it derailed." Tanjiro said as he winced more.

"Forget bruising, you've probably got a cracked vertebrae."

Tanjiro huffed, causing his back to ache a bit.

"Just relax for a while and let it heal, alright?!"


Now you were presented with a tough task: Tanjiro has a hurt back and an abdominal stab wound, he shouldn't move too much in order for his wounds to heal but you have to get his pants off.

"Please forgive me for this-" you say as you swiftly take Tanjiro's pillow, position it to support his back, and lay him on his elbows as you crouch to take off his pants.

If you saw it without context, it'd look like you were trying to blow Tanjiro.

"Ahh!" Tanjiro yelped. "That hurts, Miss. (Y/n)!"

"I'm sorry Tanjiro, please forgive me!" you say as you finally slipped his pants off, immediately slipping his new ones on so you wouldn't have to linger next to his genitals. Afterwards, you put on his shirt, smothering him again.

"Thank you Miss. (Y/n)." Tanjiro says sweetly after you finish.

"Of course." you reply as you collect the boys' clothes in your arms. "I'll be back in a bit to feed you all, alright?" you say as you circle back to Tanjiro to grab his haori.

You stop as you feel something tugging at you, keeping you still.

"Please don't go, Miss. (Y/n). I'm not ready for you to leave yet." Tanjiro says, buried into your back, hugging you from behind.

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